Search results

  1. P

    Cattle and Elk

    Elk like the fresh growth from the grass that cows have previously eaten. I've seen cattle ranches where there would be plenty of Elk on them and the neighboring property without cows and lots of tall grass wouldn't have any Elk.
  2. P

    GPS vs OnX

    I usually use my phone, like you said easier to use, but if I had to contend with unmarked property boundaries, I'd probably use the GPS. My GPS (Garmen Oregon) seems to be a lot more accurate than my iPhone. If I walk property lines with my phone, it keeps putting me on one side or the other...
  3. P

    Colorado Secondary Draw/Leftover List

    Only the ones listed on the original PDF.
  4. P

    Colorado Draw Order

    They're supposed to be up today. I don't see them on the site yet though.
  5. P

    Colorado Draw Order

    Secondary Draw Page
  6. P

    Anyone know when CO 2020 draw stats will get published?

    The stats are supposed to be up on Friday (6/5).
  7. P

    Colorado Draw Order

    The posting is continuing. Until you get an email saying you were unsuccessful, you're still in the running. I'm mainly just checking my email daily to see if I get something new from CPW. I've only gotten a Bear and Deer email so far. I'm still waiting for Elk and Antelope.
  8. P

    Colorado, Utah, or Arizona

    Definitely not Colorado. As others have said, it's been pretty much Californicated and it's just going to get worse. I saw where they're estimating 8.5 million people in Colorado by 2050. That's going to be horrible.
  9. P

    Colorado - State Lands, Access Fees for All

    Interesting. I'm not sure it'll last. They had a similar rule when Habitat Stamps were created and I believe it lasted a year.
  10. P

    Covid and your worklife

    It's a lot easier to debug problems. Quite often you'll get a ticket which basically says 'Application X is broken' so it's nice being able to walk to the person's office to see what's actually happening. If I'm just writing code, yeah, I don't need much social interaction, but if I'm...
  11. P

    Covid and your worklife

    I'm in IT so the only change is that I don't go into the office. I've been working from home which is nice. It was definitely an adjustment but I'm going to miss WFH when things go back to normal.
  12. P

    CO draw question

    I think that's an understatement. The 1st choice applicants draw before the 2nd choice applicants. A lot of hunt codes don't go past the 1st choice, or barely go past the 1st choice. I'd definitely recommend looking at the Hunting Statistics. Look at Hunt Big Game on the CPW web site and...
  13. P

    CO draw question

    It opened March 1st.
  14. P

    Colorado elk units

    You won't find the numbers for this year until after you apply unfortunately. The numbers are usually pretty close from year to year though. Check the Draw Recap under Hunting Statistics: Hunt Statistics By Species
  15. P

    Colorado Low-Preference Point Draws

    I'd look at harvest statistics (not sure if they're out there for 2019), how much public land is available in the unit and stuff like that. I tagged along with a buddy hunting Elk and the unit was horrible. There were guys riding around in ATVs all over, people camped right next to Elk...
  16. P

    Do States care about point creep?

    Yes, your points go to zero if you draw your first choice, in Colorado, but generally you won't be able to accrue enough points to catch the people that already have points and have been applying. For Unit 201 Elk for example, they give out 28 tags for Rifle, only 19 went to residents last...
  17. P

    Nissan Xterra

    I have a 2010 Offroad model. It's been great. It's good in the snow and good on the trails as well. I have 123k miles currently. I have one kid and had a dog when I bought it, and it was good for taking the family out and about. I have fit a quartered Elk in the back, but it does feel...
  18. P

    CO Legality ??

    In CO, what you can put on your rifle, bow, or muzzleloader are totally different. I was told I couldn't put a camera on my bow or use those nocks that light up when you fire them. I was told if it's electronic, I can't use it on my bow. It saves me some money I guess. There aren't many...
  19. P

    CO Elk Hunting 2020

    First Season will be October 10th through the 14th in 2020. I found the information here: 5 Year Big Game Season Structure See the Final Approved 2020-2024 Big Game Season Structure link on that page. Here's a direct link: 5 Year Season Structure PDF
  20. P

    CO Elk Hunting 2020

    The 2020 Brochure isn't out yet for Big Game. I believe those come out in March. Turkey is the only one out for 2020. I think they do set the season dates in advance. I'll see if I can find them.