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  1. TJ

    Best bang for your buck Gear

    Wal Mart has stuff sacks pretty cheap.
  2. TJ

    We almost made it through a week without a 2A controversy........

    A private company makes a business decision. How is that a second amendment controversy? :rolleyes:
  3. TJ

    Upgrading from Thermarest Prolite 3?

    I honestly think a pad with a higher R-value would be on my list as well. Exped, X-therm, BA to name a few.
  4. TJ

    Bow sight Pin size for elk hunting

    Similar to some of the above. Top two 0.019 Bottom three 0.010
  5. TJ

    Broadheads for Elk

    You're wac'em broadheads will work fine.
  6. TJ

    Oregon new guy

    Welcome to the ROK. Damn that is one nice blacktail.
  7. TJ

    Give me some facts!

    Having a difference of opinion does not make one stupid. An attitude like that will not help!
  8. TJ

    Give me some facts!

    Check out Shane Mahoney
  9. TJ in glasses.

    I have these in the top elastic part of my AGC bino pouch, I use them any time I need to read my phone, GPS etc. That said, I always have a cheap set of readers in the top pouch of my pack
  10. TJ

    Wildlife Artists

    Tom Manzanarez has some good stuff out there.
  11. TJ

    Benchmade. Thoughts?

    Someone needs to start a list of the who is on the sh-t list. And who you can buy from and what not. Let's see, no Sitka, no Yetti, no Benchmade, you get the idea. Feel free to be offended and make EVERYTHING politcal. Carry on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. TJ

    Border Wall and Wildlife

    No, I was referring the child in the cage. I thought that was pretty clear.
  13. TJ

    Border Wall and Wildlife

  14. TJ

    Border Wall and Wildlife

    Sorry that is not a source.
  15. TJ

    Border Wall and Wildlife

    Do you actually have a source for this tidbit?
  16. TJ

    Border Wall and Wildlife

    Just look just look at that narco terrorist douche bag of a rapist. Makes my blood boil.
  17. TJ

    Attic access ?

    ^^this. Most manufactured homes have very little space in the attic to begin with, by the time it's insulated there almost none.
  18. TJ

    Bow Press - No permanent mount required

    I have an EZ Green press that I mount to a Ryobi Miter Saw stand. It's easy to remove the press and you can take the press to the range if you need to. You can also use the stand for a draw board if you attach a winch.
  19. TJ

    Cutting and arrow to length and using wraps

    All shortening the arrow is going to do is increase spine, (spline). You can test that by reducing your bows draw weight if that is your issue. I wouldn't use bare shaft tuning for that purpose. Bare shaft tuning is generally going to test center shot, cam lean, maybe cam timing, and rest...
  20. TJ


    Ten years ago it was Cameron Hanes fault. I don't like the competition in the back country either, but if they bust their ass to get in there like you did, I don't mind it either.