I used artic shields for several years in many different configurations with ok results. The last couple years I ditched heavy boots all together and stopped wearing boots at all on stand. Western mountaineering down booties is the only way to go for sure enough toasty feet. A hand warmer in...
Stop checking and coming on here posting about it. By Wed ya are all going to be panicking and cause Montana's website to crash before the drawing is even underway 😅 🙃
My biggest mistake was not practicing with all my gear on to insure everything was ready at the moment of truth. I couldn't get my range finder out cause the tether was hung on the little clip that hold the lid closed on the pouch. The bull stopped and started laughing at me.
Agree with the...
I'm from N/E Texas, left back in 07 for better hunting opportunities. The plan is when my body gets to broke down to hunt I'll return to Texas and start fishing again. Enjoy your retirement Sir.
I'm spending way to much on tags to think about retirement.
When dry ice “melts” it releases carbon dioxide gas which could build up inside an airtight cooler and make it explode. Users must adhere to special usage instructions and safety precautions when using dry ice.
What I've always heard.
Not trying to push a product but when it comes to safety
. Went through several quivers over the years. Always loosing arrows, trying all kinds of hacks to keep my arrows to no avail. Finally invested in a tight spot for the sole reason you can adjust the tension on each arrow. Now when an...