I tried Kaos before BE Rampages...the Rampages were the clear winner in terms of straightness and tolerances. The Kaos weren't even close...I sold them. Only bad thing about the BEs is that they aren't the most durable shaft, but they are lighter so I can get a reasonable balance of speed and...
Fortunately at this point every drainage/spot has been discussed or filmed so it all becomes noise. Hot spotters jump around looking for the pot of gold, but most don't have the skills to get it done anyway. A real killer gets it done anywhere and adapts by finding new spots or being a better...
Something that doesn't expand is best IME but you want the bullet to miss the quarters entirely and double lung them broadside. I shoot Barnes TSX out of my 25-06 and 7mm.
So as stated previously, on most sliders all the pins move downward. One pin, usually the bottom one, corresponds to the tape and you use it on longer shots. BUT what most people don't seem to realize is that because the whole housing moves (and consequently all the pins), you can dial each...
5-pin slider would be my choice for sure (although I use a 6 pin slider). The last thing I want is to have to move my sight for a shot. Personally I shoot MBGs and like them way better than the Hogg sliders I've owned (Fast Eddie and Tommy Hogg), especially the new green ring ones. The old SH...
TruBall HBC with a hole drilled through it with a BCY#23 braid loop. I snap it to a carabiner on my FHF or put it in my pants pocket. I haven't hunted with the hinge yet, but did this for years with my thumb releases. Because the hinge doesn't snap on the loop like my thumb buttons, I also...
FHF design works great for me, never had an issue with the noise. Those old elastic harnesses made me realize what Dolly Parton must feel like...bounce, bounce, bounce!
I have hunted that district a lot for the past several years and seen one good buck, maybe in the 175" range. I have also seen a handful of poached deer in the 160ish class that were confiscated, there's lots of pressure there for elk and it seems some folks don't read the regs (or notice the...
I will be interested to hear what you think. I'm definitely not sure the acetone was doing damage, but it was enough of a concern to my OCD, anxiety-ridden mind that I haven't done it since. It actually made me start using wraps so I could refletch without solvents or excess scraping.
I've been using HITs w/ Rampages for the last several seasons and recently had some pull out too. I've always used Goat Tuff rubberized glue and never had one come loose, but with these I did some with AAE rubberized which set WAY too fast and I couldn't get them in fast enough, and then...
I'm not sure of the difference between the two sights, but I would be sure to get the 3rd axis adjustment and NOT the micro adjust windage or pins. All that does is add weight, potential buzzes, and you don't need them once you get your gaps are set anyway. The non-micro windage adjustments...
I would definitely not get the 2" housing w/ 3 pins, you don't want or need the space. You will either end up with all 3 pins sitting in the far bottom or sacrificing max range if you center them. I run the big dog housing but I have 6 pins.
That would give you pretty good odds, there are a good number of tags available. Although my NR buddy hasn't drawn the last two years with 0 and now 1 point.
I've shot probably 20 with a rifle, average shot is somewhere around 150 yards. I've shot 6 with my bow, all spot and stalk, at an average of probably 40 yards.
I really like their films, they are excellent IMO. The hunts are so different I find them incredibly interesting too, although I don't think I will be making the cross-country trek to Atlanta for a DIY hunt any time soon. The thing that blows my gourd is the tiny parcels they have to hope...
I made the switch from a thumb button (Nock 2 It/First Choice/Too Simple), which I shot for 5 years, to the TruBall HBC hinge. The learning curve has been steep but after 3 months I'm finally starting to feel comfortable with it. Even though I always pulled through the shot while practicing I...