We don't rely on private land access or pay to hunt any properties. Public land has excellent hunting available. I have shot my three bird daily limit average for the past three years.
2020 season has been fantastic. With the easy winter thus far I expect 2021 will be super as well provided no...
I guided hunters in Regions G & H from 1977-1982. Three different camps in Greys, Little Greys and Salt Rivers. We rarely saw any hunters resident or nonres who were hunting deer. We would fill 8 hunters in camp every four days and got many great bucks along with medium size. During that time it...
My BB gun was a Daisy 1894 carbine. I wore it out shooting sparrows and bumble bees out of our pear and apple trees. "Dennis the Menace" had nothing over me. My dad nicknamed me "Jack Armstrong".
I just returned from hunting 30 days in South Dakota. What a spectacular season! Guys saw and shot at LOTS of roosters. Crops were harvested at a high rate and are finishing up now.
There was snow and cold a few days around the October 23rd. I arrived the 25th to knee deep drifts and muddy...
So I've wanted to do this hunt for the past few years. It's with some of the best PH's in Zambia. It will be in the Lunga Luswishi concession which is about 1,000,000 acres just north of Kafue Park. It is wild Africa.
With COVID the hunting opportunities are very slim for 2020. Zambia is now...
Okay so you've been in LOCKDOWN all summer and are getting anxious to stretch your legs and run your dogs. Here is your opportunity to be afield with your best hunting buddies.
I just got a call from a hunter who had to cancel his stay at my Bird Dog Bunkhouse in central South Dakota due to...
October 16-20 ---- FULL
October 21-25 ---- FULL
November 27-Dec 1 ---- FULL
December dates are open and flexible. Keep in mind that December is excellent hunting as you will see lots of birds. Majority of crops will be out of the fields.
Thanks again for looking.
October 16-20 ---- 4 spots available -- $450 per person ***Two reserved
October 21-25 ---- FULL
November 25-29 or November 27-December 1 ---- 6 spots available -- $450 per person
December has flexible availability.
Thanks for looking.
Central part of South Dakota
$450 is for 5 nights lodging per person
It's set up for guys who are pretty self sufficient who have dogs and don't need to be guided.
Public land unless you knock on some doors for permission. Not needed though, public land is abundant with all wild birds and...
October 16-20 ---- 4 spots available -- $450 per person ***Two reserved
October 21-25 ---- 2 spots available -- $450 per person ***Four reserved
November 25-29 or November 27-December 1 ---- 6 spots available -- $450 per person
Thanks for looking.
Okay so you've been in LOCKDOWN all summer and are getting anxious to stretch your legs and run your dogs. Here is your opportunity to be afield with your best hunting buddies. I've had a few guys from here contact me for details so figured I put something up.
This pheasant season will be...
If any outfitter gets a cancellation for this season I'd like to hear about it. Mostly interested in Stone, Fannin, Bighorn or Desert. Worth a shot. I've got time :cool:
I've changed out lots of florescent in my rental shops and also installed new LED in my home shop. I used Commercial Electric 18,000 lumen lights from Home Depot. They are bright and easy to install. About $100 each. Love them!