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  1. Jwknutson17


    Wife or I got hit with the 50 this am for a moose point. Not sure which as it hasn't updated on the site.
  2. Jwknutson17

    WTS As new in the box 1994 Browning Citori Lighting Field Over under Shotgun. 26" 410. Grade 6!

    Some of you may remember last year I sold a new in box 16ga of this same shotgun. Well now I'm letting the 410 go. Year is 1994. Browning Citori Field Lighting Grade 6. Original owner from my family. Shotgun has had 4 rounds exactly through this by my wife when she was younger. It has not...
  3. Jwknutson17

    WTB Swarovski EL's

    Sent you a PM.
  4. Jwknutson17

    What’s Your Max Bow Range for Elk?

    Furthest shot I've taken successfully on any game was 63 yards on a turkey last year. And I've messed up shots inside 15 yards on whitetail back in the day. I practice to 70 from kneeling, on rocks, terrible footing, etc. My last few bulls have been from terrible positions and it really cuts...
  5. Jwknutson17

    Welcome FORLOH—American Made Gear Co.

    Made it up to Forloh this past Sunday from Colorado and checked out the gear for a bit. Quality all around and great folks. Great to see the made in the USA throughout the product line. Will definitely consider Forloh for my next piece of gear. Keep up the good work.
  6. Jwknutson17

    WTS Federal, LC, PPU, CBC, Winchester 308 win brass

    I have a large lot of 308 brass. Would like to just sell it local. Counts are based on weight. So they are plus or minus a few pieces. Listed by bags. Some are the same brass but in different bags. Everything was fired from an SR25 unless specifically noted otherwise. All the FC brass is...
  7. Jwknutson17

    New Mexico Elk Draw 2022

    Big box of red unsuccessful again for me. Not surprised though as it's been that way for many years.
  8. Jwknutson17

    Question for Elk grilling experts

    Olive oil and blacked Saskatchewan rub. Set a treager to 225 degrees and put on til internal temp of 120. Get a cast iron skillet smoking hot and 90 seconds on both sides. Done. So good I haven't done it any other way on last year's bulls backstraps.
  9. Jwknutson17

    2022 Rokslide Cold Bow Challenge Q&A Thread

    Robby, I would like to donate a $300 gift card to the prize table. I look forward to shooting this challange this year too. Jake
  10. Jwknutson17

    Favorite diaphragm call

    Phelps signature AMP for me for my all around. Use a mixture of AMP calls but always have at least one signature AMP on me in the woods.
  11. Jwknutson17

    Welcome Mountic Outdoors—Rifle Scopes and more

    Thanks Robby! I look forward to the relationship with this great community! I have dealt with many folks on here on a personal level and hope to continue those relationships through my business. Many of you may have seen me around here and also on other forums. We are very excited to carry...
  12. Jwknutson17

    Colorado warm weather boots

    Last year I tried a pair of the La Sportiva Nucleo High II GTX, and thought they were really nice. Lightweight and had great support. I had 19 days in the woods with them and zero complaints so far. Had been using the Solomons and a few different brands previously. They are worth a look.
  13. Jwknutson17

    CO 76 Elk and Beers

    9 should get it for archery this year... I burned 10 on it in 2020 when it was 8 to guarantee it. Just keeps on going up. If it keeps it pace, a lot of guys will never catch it.
  14. Jwknutson17

    Sold FREE Gun cabinet with glass front. South Denver Metro.

    One last shot for someone this weekend. Still here. Free for the taking.
  15. Jwknutson17

    Sold FREE Gun cabinet with glass front. South Denver Metro.

    Free for the taking. Must come get it this weekend. Preferably today 2/5. It is a 6 gun rack cabinet that locks. Storage on bottom. It's used. So expect some wear. Parker, CO. Jordan and Hess Rd. If you can't get it today or tomorrow it's going to Goodwill. Shoot me a PM. Thanks!
  16. Jwknutson17

    First time elk, go archery or rife?

    I would look for a cow tag in a better unit first. More opportunities to be in elk and learn. Harvest a couple cows and then come back for a bull next year or the following. Find a one point unit you can stagger hunts every other year with you and your hunting buddy. I take my father out...
  17. Jwknutson17

    Fall 2022 NR CO or WY Spot and Stalk Rifle Hunt?

    So many bears in CO these days. I saw 8 different bears 8 days in a row. If I wasn't after elk I would have killed so many bears. Usually been dry conditions early Sept and found many over little water holes later in the afternoon/evenings. Think your on the right track for CO bear.
  18. Jwknutson17

    2021 Elk Meat Pole

    Congrats. With your hand around those 4s It shows how much mass it has too. I'm still chasing one like that and like some others have killed in this thread. Very nice!