Looking to head out to Colorado for my first elk hunt. We are midwest whitetail hunters that are proficient with both bows and rifles. We have zero points anywhere so are looking at Colorado for the ability to do OTC however we will likely try to apply for a unit that is possible to draw with zero points. What season would some of you recomend for a first time. Should we go archery during the rut were I believe we possibly have a better chance of seeing action and have weather in our favor (planning on backpacking and staying in tents as of now). OR do we go for rifle in likely second season where its post rut, tougher huntng and possibility of weather, but have the ability to reach out a bit. I am leaning towards archery, not because its any easier but I would think may offer greater chance of an encounter. Both of us are assuming to come home empty handed, this is more about the experience and learning. Any thoughts on a season to start with?