Bareback and calloused usually but Kinco genuine buffalo hide seem to hold up OK. I always inspect stitching and the length of thumb and pinky on gloves, I despise extra length pinky and thumb material.
My 2023 Trail Boss was in shop for a system update when they told me the ECM of something needed replaced and the part was on backorder with no idea when it'll be in. I put on tons of miles and like to trade every two years. So in a panic and pissed I had a salesman work up a trade deal, he...
About 10 to 12 rounds total in the field, the remainder of a 50 round box back at camp, and the ever present 2 to 3 rounds in the defroster vent of truck.
I've brought both anthracite and bituminous coal to the mountains. Both do well extending the heat output of a stove loaded with locally available softer woods. Anthracite requires a good hot bed of coals to burn but burns clean, while bituminous burns rather easily but dirtier and will...
Same here and I'm now diving down the archery rabbit hole...again. Cycling through archery, reloading and accuracy, walleye fishing, and personal health keep me occupied throughout the year. Lord help me if I leap into shotshell reloading.😅
Daily 4 or 6 packs of IPA really add up. Quitting alcohol and intermittent fasting saved me a lot of money. I'm on the road nearly daily and quit going into C stores for water, lunch and snacks.
We love to eat out but this pricing, shitty service, and tip culture has turned us off.
I ran an open station 1969 Farmall 856 diesel with Westendorf WL-40 loader for 18 years moving snow, feeding cattle, mowing hay, spraying pasture, cleaning up down trees, removing and installing fence, etc. I think that tractor cost $8500 then and I sold it for $7250. Shoulda kept it but needed...
As stated above, pokeweed. One of the weeds mentioned in several soybean seed production contracts as the berries can make it through conditioning equipment and into the bag. Just so you know. Lol
I'm eating quite a bit of fruit along with meat and dairy. I haven't done strict carnivore for more than a couple days but am down 45 lbs to 185. Been doing this for 15 months, beginning after I quit copious amounts of alcohol cold turkey. I probably eat too much fruit and dairy but I've...
I wore myself out last week running on little sleep then woke up Sunday morning with some sort of respiratory illness. It felt very similar to the hangovers from an extremely heavy drinking day, the type where you feel absolutely hollow inside, zero energy, and a terrible headache. I told my...
I considered many, many a times too. Even quit once for 11 days, once for 68 days, and then for good in May 2023. PM is good if you need any motivation or just shoot the shit about it.
I hammered the LaCroix sparkling water for quite a while for something to do in place of a beer or cocktail. Then I cut way back on those and just fill a coffee mug with ice water, lemon wedge and fresh mint from the garden; it's a lot cheaper. I'm on the road a bunch and have stopped buying...
There's 155 acres of high-quality farm land for sale just north of me. Asking price is $13,750/ac. I'd farm it on 50/50 shares with you. It has a waterway running though it that most likely holds pheasants. You need more info? Lol