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  1. C

    Newer bows - specifically bowtech guys

    This is my thought. I just wanted some ideas from guys with experience because unfortunately all our bow shops are not quite the type of guys whose advice that I can take home, and I will leave it at that.
  2. C

    Newer bows - specifically bowtech guys

    Thank you
  3. C

    Newer bows - specifically bowtech guys

    I wanted to get some discussion on newer model bowtechs as I have not followed the latest models. I'm still shooting an 07 allegiance and have killed so many animals with it. I spend most of my time bow hunting on the mountain and so I would like to find a newer bow that is light and has some...
  4. C

    WTS Zeiss V6 3-18x50 ZMOA2

    OK that's what I thought but just wanted to verify. Thank you
  5. C

    WTS Zeiss V6 3-18x50 ZMOA2

    Is this a luminated reticle?
  6. C

    The resident short game. Long term consequences?

    Reading comprehension is a rare ability anymore...
  7. C

    The resident short game. Long term consequences?

    Why would you support resources you can't enjoy? That money would be better invested in private land in that same state or your own to where you actually have access to resources. It's not about where your heart is. It's about being logical.
  8. C

    The resident short game. Long term consequences?

    Reading Comprehension is becoming a rare trait to find. More accurately summed: I am no longer willing to financially support resources that I no longer have access to...
  9. C

    The resident short game. Long term consequences?

    Yes I would love to hunt region G mule Deer and have that general elk tag every year. I would give up all other LE options for that...
  10. C

    Meateater and Ted Nugent

    Pigman has hunted more than me. The rich banker in town has hunted more than me - all on guided hunts with someone spoon feeding him every step of the way. Jackie Bushman has hunted more than me? You have an invalid point.
  11. C

    Meateater and Ted Nugent

    Ted Nugent is one of the worst icons we have representing our industry. I've never seen the guy actually hunt. He's just a shooter that sits over bait piles usually within game ranches. He has no inclination of true conservation.
  12. C

    How do y'all manage the Wyoming/New Mexico up-front system?

    That's why I run 3 cards. I cancel them after three years - so long enough to not hurt credit
  13. C

    How do y'all manage the Wyoming/New Mexico up-front system?

    You get a new card every year with 0% for 12 months. I rotate three cards and get a new card every year and discard one. The card I just got has $700 cash back once you put 9k on the card over a four month period. It's a no brainer. Also CC are absolutely the safest form of payment due to the...
  14. C

    Anyone else’s credit card get compromised after applying for Montana?

    This is one reason to have a CC dedicated to draws/hunting only
  15. C

    Grizzly-1, Hiker-0

    And what is the population of domestic dogs vs. bears vs. wolves in the U.S.? Context is usually important for the educated as yourself... There are ways to be respectful to others without sharing their opinions. I agree with many of the things you say on this forum but the way you treat...
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    Grizzly-1, Hiker-0

    Humble much? For a man to speak like this at your age, it really says a lot about you....
  17. C

    Pedal Kayak for fishing

    I have a blue sky boat works 360 angler which is made by Jackson. It's freakin awesome. Check them out. It's like a catamaran.
  18. C

    Colorado unit 741

    Anybody hunted this unit or the Ute res? I've got access to private land 3rd season and wanted to discuss with somebody with experience here.
  19. C

    Another Montana preference point question

    Thank you all
  20. C

    Bipod/tripod Shooting setup for Wyoming

    I may come across as cheap. But I tell you what.... tripod trigger sticks have been the difference for me in killing deer fast where I had a short opportunity to make a shot. Including a 200" muley in WY last year. I carry them in my hand and use as a walking pole. I then change the head out...