Newer bows - specifically bowtech guys


Jul 21, 2016
I wanted to get some discussion on newer model bowtechs as I have not followed the latest models. I'm still shooting an 07 allegiance and have killed so many animals with it. I spend most of my time bow hunting on the mountain and so I would like to find a newer bow that is light and has some of the newer technology. I don't need the absolute newest and Best but budget really isn't an issue. What bows would you look at if you were me and were to look at slightly used bows. I'm open to some other brands but only after I rule out the top bowtechs as they deserve it due to what they stand for as a company and I have had so much success with them.
I shoot a Reckoning, I think I got one a week or two after they showed up. The deadlock cams are outstanding, I would imagine the limb mover thing that Elite has would be as equally outstanding. This is a literal statement; I can take things from untuned to bare shafts with fletched to 40+ in a handful of minutes, all that is needed is an allen wrench.

I like the string angle on my longer reckoning, but if that were not the case, I would try the 350, solution, and aforementioned solution ss. If you have the extra coin and like longer bows, the Reckoning is very stable and forgiving. Unfortunately, I don't think any are light. I'd go shoot the Elite envision/enkore/remedy too.
I would go to a couple shops and shoot every single bow you can. Find out which one you like, usually there’s a clear winner. If you’re still shooting an allegiance then splurge for a new bow, I think you earned it waiting 10 years!! If you’re set on used, find the new bow you like the best then buy last years model, usually they’re very similar.
I would go to a couple shops and shoot every single bow you can. Find out which one you like, usually there’s a clear winner. If you’re still shooting an allegiance then splurge for a new bow, I think you earned it waiting 10 years!! If you’re set on used, find the new bow you like the best then buy last years model, usually they’re very similar.
This is my thought. I just wanted some ideas from guys with experience because unfortunately all our bow shops are not quite the type of guys whose advice that I can take home, and I will leave it at that.
This is my thought. I just wanted some ideas from guys with experience because unfortunately all our bow shops are not quite the type of guys whose advice that I can take home, and I will leave it at that.
That’s really unfortunate. Why don’t you start a thread and ask about how shops within a couple hours of you. Maybe you’ll get some good recommendations. In Denver we have 2 great shops and scheels up north is great too!

Another option, do it all yourself. A bow press and YouTube videos and you can do a whole lot of work yourself!
That’s really unfortunate. Why don’t you start a thread and ask about how shops within a couple hours of you. Maybe you’ll get some good recommendations. In Denver we have 2 great shops and scheels up north is great too!

Another option, do it all yourself. A bow press and YouTube videos and you can do a whole lot of work yourself!
I will most likely wait till I travel to the mountains to go try some bows out. Stop in Denver or salt lake areas, etc. Since i hunt the mountains I like dealing with people that understand those environments. I live in the land of whitetails in feeder pens.
I will most likely wait till I travel to the mountains to go try some bows out. Stop in Denver or salt lake areas, etc. Since i hunt the mountains I like dealing with people that understand those environments. I live in the land of whitetails in feeder pens.
Rocky Mountain Specialty Gear has a full line of Bowtech and Elite.
I've owned the last 3 flagship Bowtechs. SR6, Revolt X, and the Solution. The one I still own is the SR6 for what it's worth. Although I'd still have the Solution also if I wasn't given a price for it that I couldn't refuse.
I've been shooting the RPM360 for a few years now. I like the bow, It's fast, accurate and have harvested quite a few animals with it. However if I was looking for a newer bow, I think I'd go with a Mathews. I think that Mathews has right now the better bow on the market, compared to other brands. Just my opinion.
I don't know what changes they made to the '07 Allegiance, but the '06 Allegiance was and still is a great bow. If I didn't have a long draw length I'd have the '06 and probably still be using it. I do have two '06 Old Glory's and still use them. But I also have a 2014 PSE Freak that I like too. I'll tell you though, those older Bowtech's are tough as nails and can take a beating in the backcountry. When I go horseback or deep into those rocky nasty terrain areas, I take my Old Glory. It will take the beating and still hit where I'm aiming.
I've owned 4 BT's and I still have my RealmX and I am attempting to buy my Realm back from a buddy. The deadlock bows (except the Solution SS) are pretty stacky at the end of the draw (I draw 28-28.5''). The Realm series with the ODB cams are just perfect imo. You have yokes, but if you can tune or are close to a shop it really isn't a huge ordeal imo.

My RealmX set at the same parameters as an SR350 shoots 2-4fps faster. It is a little slower than a Solution on the same draw length and weight, but a MUCH better draw and shooting experience. I think if you had any of them you would be pretty happy, you just might need to put it on comfort or tinker some to get along with it.
I shoot an SR350. It's gotten a lot of crap for not hitting the IBO numbers (or more precisely, being further off of IBO that other brands this year). New mods, which most should have at this point, bring it really close to IBO.

That said, I really like it. Comfort mode has a nice solid back wall that is easy to hold. It's a little jump when you have to let off...almost like you have to push the arrow forward. Other than that I have no issues and I can get mine tuned and I'm a total dummy when it comes to that stuff.
Last year I upgraded my 07 Allegiance with a new Solution SD. Being a 28.5" draw I am at the peak of the bows power and the two shops I went to guided me to that model, I shot all the Solution models for last year and this one had the best draw. The let off is crazy, like someone else mentioned you almost have to push the arrow to get it to let down. At 28.5", 70lb, 453gr arrow I am hitting 292fps.