I finally did my MT app yesterday and within hours had that card start to get fraudulent activity. Fortunately the CC company caught all of them but it’s annoying. More than anything though the wife is pissed because it’s the same card that got hacked on Black Friday after buying a safe from tractor supply (another hunting related thing of course). It is the card she uses for most of our autopay/recurring things so it is a ton of work for her to go in and update the card for probably 10+ things. I have my inreach and like one other thing.
Anyhow, I’m pissed at MT as I’m not the only one this has happened to. It seems that maybe online dirtbags are onto application season. I now want to get a card essentially dedicated to applications/points/tags and my hunting related subscriptions.
Any tips on good cards where there are good cash back or hunting related points. I don’t like basspro/cabelas. Anyone have a scheels card?