I don't understand the "tied to the gun in any ways in the eyes of the government" comment. AZ permits private sales. Sell it to someone in AZ and save shipping. There is no gun registry. You saying, "I sold that gun," should end any inquiry. You have no obligation to provide documented evidence...
Despite the classy crew here, from my experience 90% of hunters don't pattern and/or sight in. Just finding half a handful of dusty, tarnished cartridges or shells and a case of Natty Light will be fine. I suspect the woods will still be more packed than a clown car at the circus.
My Honda Ranchers are 18 and 16 years old and need occasional basic maintenance. 1 needed a new top end a few years ago, and it was YouTube simple. I'm a Honda fan.
Mine was high. I resisted meds for a few years. Ate low fat and low sodium. Ran 3-6 miles a day to try and drop the BP. Lost 50 lbs. and got resting pulse down from 82 to 55.
Then had the stroke that took my left side.
Meds are not the worst thing that can happen to you. Get a 2nd opinion.
Been hunting for decades and hanging out here for a few months. Have walked for miles in pursuit of ruffed and sage grouse, sharptail, pheasant, quail, and huns. Shot my share of woodcock, snipe, goose, duck, and crane. Put whitetail, blacktail, elk, antelope, and axis on the table. Taken turkey...