Search results

  1. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Certainly nothing is 100% but I've never had a high shoulder shot animal not drop in its tracks. Good luck to you too.
  2. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    On one hand, I get that. On the other hand, if I'm hunting thick brush (which I hunt plenty of) I'm going to anchor one with a high shoulder shot.
  3. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    50-100 yards is pretty standard for a fatal vital shot that doesn't involve the CNS across calibers and loads in my experience. A deer can run that distance in a very short amount of time.
  4. N

    Any Turnpike Troubadours fans here?

    It was an okay podcast. Steve was pretty overbearing at times and he doesn't mesh well with Felker who seems to not care for much media interaction as a general rule. But it definitely had some interesting moments and of course the song at the end sounded great. I couldn't help but laugh...
  5. N

    Let see your best camp photos!

    Last year, week of Thanksgiving here in NC (my absolute favorite time to hunt, I've killed a deer that week as far back as I can remember): This year in WY:
  6. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    I wish Speer would stock gold dots again, I'd like to load some 75 gr ones.
  7. N

    First heavy pack out nightmares

    I've packed out numerous whole whitetail bucks and my mule deer buck from this year, as well as an elk (but I had a buddy for that and it was a short pack so it wasn't a great test) in my MR Sawtooth and it carries the load great. To me, the hip belt is the most important piece of the puzzle. I...
  8. N

    Ever mess up a ten yard shot?

    So a few years back I was on a lease with a few friends and the opener of muzzleloader and opener of rifle were both days when all of us would be up there. So the evening before muzzleloader opener I had hunted with my bow and then a few others arrived and we all went to town to eat at the usual...
  9. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Blood trail pic [representative of the average trail, some spots there were a couple pin pricks, some spots there was better blood than this] Entry: Exit: Heart and lungs (picture of the heart and lungs outside the body won't upload, but the heart was destroyed and the lungs with decent damage...
  10. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    62 gr Federal Fusion at 60 yards, 75 yard death run. Decent blood. Will show a wound cavity when I clean her, letting her sit in case she was in estrus.
  11. N

    What’s on your Thanksgiving menu?

    Pretty traditional here but I did make an antelope ham instead of a regular ham.
  12. N

    Black Rifle Coffee has let me down, those #$%#$%

    I'm so honored to have made the meme radar. I'd like to thank King George III for taxing tea and keeping us Americans from drinking that instead of coffee.
  13. N

    Black Rifle Coffee has let me down, those #$%#$%

    I'm just over here laughing at the guys who think they're serious about coffee because they use a French press and grind their own beans. Meanwhile I'm roasting my own coffee and brewing with a V60 pour over measured on a gram scale like the Lord intended. Light roast Ethiopian natural process...
  14. N

    Help with MOA and bullet drop

    Your conversion value changes with yardage. MOA doesn't. So if you're thinking of drop as 7 inches at 400 yards, you have to first convert your adjustment from 1 inch at 100 to 4 inches at 400 and then dial 7 clicks. If you're thinking of drop as 1.75 moa at 400 yards, you just have to dial 7...
  15. N

    Help with MOA and bullet drop

    The point thinking in MOA and not inches isn't that there's a .047" difference between the two, its that you're needlessly converting measurements. There's no need to know how many inches something drops. Going yardage->drop chart->dial->shoot makes way more sense than going yardage->drop...
  16. N

    Help with MOA and bullet drop

    It's an angular measurement. Reach way back in your memory to high school math class. A triangle with dimensions 3, 4, and 5 for the sides has the same angle measurements as a triangle with 9, 12, and 15. A minute of angle is your defined angular measurement. So the vertical distance it...
  17. N

    Rifle stability in treestand

    Do you wear rubber boots? If so, tucking that monopod into your boot will stable it up a fair bit.
  18. N

    .223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

    Quick and dirty zero confirmed on steel and this brand new rifle is ready for gun season. Hopefully I'll be able to stack up a couple whitetails. Going to be using 62gr fusion this year, I'll work up loads for tmks next year.
  19. N


    First mule deer trip, first mule deer. Low point WY area.
  20. N

    Overcoming Fainting at Injury?

    It's called vasovagal syncope and it's not something you can control from my knowledge. I never had a problem with it until one time I was giving blood and it like flipped a switch in my brain and caused it to start happening with serious injuries. Best thing you can do is calm down and let...