Search results

  1. MaraviaDave

    Best rain pants…. SW Alaska first half September

    I’d recommend starting with the lightest weight synthetic thermals you can find (silkweight). These should be the only thing you wear under waders or rain pants. NO synthetic pants. Merino wool is great for your upper body and absolutely sucks for your lower buddy, when worn under waders/rain...
  2. MaraviaDave

    Best Bipods

    Thunder Beast Arms makes a great bipod!! From my perspective, the ultralight bipods make great kickstands for your rifle. Unfortunately, they sacrifice too much in practical functionality to be taken very serious. Better yet, if you're already...
  3. MaraviaDave

    Truing Ballistic Software: 4DOF or AB - amount of required correction

    This is a question for users of Hornady 4DOF or Applied Ballistics solvers, who are using bullets with Custom Drag Models (CDM) found in the solver's database. (As opposed to using G1 or G7 BC's) Hornady 4DOF: What was the Axial Form Factor number required to true your software? Applied...
  4. MaraviaDave

    Uh Oh: Shots Getting Higher at Long Distance with VX5HD

    Interesting. Sure didn’t sound like that was the case when you started this thread. Anyways, moving on….
  5. MaraviaDave

    Uh Oh: Shots Getting Higher at Long Distance with VX5HD

    You made the comment in the previous post on July 3rd The post above was made on July 17th. What’s going on here?
  6. MaraviaDave

    Uh Oh: Shots Getting Higher at Long Distance with VX5HD

    UhOh .... what happened …. I thought you “shoot out to 1K at my gun club all the time with my VX5HDs. I’ve never had tracking issues”
  7. MaraviaDave

    Uh Oh: Shots Getting Higher at Long Distance with VX5HD

    I’d recommend watching Hornady’s 4DOF tutorial videos on YouTube and reading their 4DOF white paper. Both of these resources address the questions you’ve asked and refute some of the poor advice given by others in this thread.
  8. MaraviaDave

    Paper maps vs apps - survey

    100% Having a GPS to get UTM coordinates, along with a paper map and an altimeter, is a very efficient way to plan routes and navigate.
  9. MaraviaDave

    300 yard .22

    Vudoo Gun Works 22LR 30 MOA Scope Base NightForce ATACR (or equivalent) Lapua Center-X ammo Kestrel 5700 Elite Applied Ballistics Custom Drag Model (CDM) This combination should accurately get you out to 400+ yards. While truing my ballistic software at 403 yards, I shot 50 rounds into 2.87...
  10. MaraviaDave

    168 TSX for moose?

    I’ve killed a bull with a 168 grain TTSX, from a 300 WM, impact velocity 3,093 fps. Great bullet performance.
  11. MaraviaDave

    Kestrel Weather Meters- Need advice on which unit

    Although you didn’t mention the Kestrel 5700 with Hornady’s 4DOF, it’s worth taking a look at. I have a 5700 Elite with AB and a 5700 with 4DOF. I choose which model I use based on which one has a custom drag model (CDM) for the bullet I’ll be shooting. If both models have a CDM for the...
  12. MaraviaDave

    Help with scope questions. SHV & VX5

    In general, if a person’s experience with a scope is to get their hunting rifle zeroed and then take it hunting. Typically shooting less than 40 rounds per year. Then their perspective is based primarily on hearsay and emotion. It appears to me, the overwhelming majority of hunters fit into this...
  13. MaraviaDave

    Help with scope questions. SHV & VX5

    Frank Galli (Snipershide) and Marc Taylor (coinstructor) have been collecting some interesting scope tracking data, during their precision rifle courses, from student rifles.
  14. MaraviaDave

    Help with scope questions. SHV & VX5

    I nEeD goOD GLass …. sO i cAn cLEaRLy seE hoW Bad i miSs …. uSing My sCoPE tHAT dOESNn’t hoLd a zer0 or TraCk coRRecTLY wHEn diaLinG.
  15. MaraviaDave

    Help with scope questions. SHV & VX5

    What method did you use to determine that your scope doesn’t have tracking issues?
  16. MaraviaDave

    Tent for Wrangells in August

    I’ve hunted the Wrangells, every year for the last eight years, using almost the same setup as you’ll be taking. The only difference is I have an Enlightened Equipment 10*F quilt. The Akto has been a great compromise between low weight and storm worthiness. I once spent 3 days hunkered down in...
  17. MaraviaDave

    Blister proof sock recommendations

    Darn Tough socks Leukotape Blister Shield powder
  18. MaraviaDave

    Dumb recoil question...

    I would suspect that if you went up or down in caliber, there would be a corresponding change in the powder charge. That would seemingly have more of an effect on muzzle velocity, in comparison to, thinking in terms of the effect of something related to the bearing surface of the bullet.
  19. MaraviaDave

    Dumb recoil question...

    If I understand you correctly....the bullet weight, powder charge and rifle weight are all identical. The only difference is the caliber (diameter) of the bullet. Your question is, does the diameter of the bullet have an effect on expected muzzle velocity. Which would subsequently effect the...