That's likely due to the fact there is nothing worth spending the money on to go there.
If they had a game species with a high demand it would be a different outcome
The problem what that theory is the greedy nr would have to stop buying the product and that won't happen there are 180 thousand point buyer in wyoming alone even if you cut that number in half we would still have the same issue.
Wyoming has the nr hooked and it's set deep.
What you are...
I would guess it won't change much if they draw the same time as the controlled hunts Don't know why that would change tags stay the same just the way they issue them will be different
selfishly I hope anyways I don't wast my time with idaho general anymore but always apply for the limited...
I would say that's exactly the reason it needs done they way it is through legislation the commission has made the decision they don't care about the cluster they have created.
As much as I don't like legislation for stuff like this I think this is one that it's justified
I did try that Friday but I didn't get to angry with them. I do have a appt early next week but it has been a lesson learned on who not to use.
I don't have a lot of options locally so I was hoping it would work ok sounds like capitol armory has worked out better for people so I will try them next
Seeing these times is really frustrating when silencer central takes there time to get anything done ordered mine febuary 2 and still have not been able submitted paperwork to the atf. I will use capitol armory for the next one might even call them this week and see if they have a syth ti and...
Its about time at least someone is proposing a change. The fools in the game commission could have just changed it but they decided to just ignore the problem
Nah I hunt wyoming every year plenty of success.
Transferable Landowner tags are a a whole different topic don't like them and have no need to use them
I look at Colorado otc being eliminated as a good thing from a nr perspective they are still going to issue a decent amount of tags to nr its not like they are going to eliminate it entirely
Keep dreaming.
There are to many non hunter recreational users that really enjoy the return they get on all the public land. I am actually at this point more concerned about convincing the casual hiker, skier ,general recreational user that hunting is good for the eco system vs trying to work...
That really doesn't make much sense you have a state that doesn't maintain enough public land but you want to give there residents more ie reward them with a higher resident preferance because they don't maintain public land in there home state.
Yeah it is. and 94 percent of those nr paying...
So does that mean that states that have less then 40 percent of public land should be punished as well for not maintaining enough public land for me as a nr to come hunt on?
I agree 80 20 sounds like a good split between residents and nr.
There are a few residence that are greedy but not all...
So you want it cheaper to apply in every state? What do you think that does to point creep and then there will be something else nr want changes its a revolving door that never ends no matter how you look at it.
Make wyoming where all you have to do is front the app fees not the tag and then...
As they should colorado has been the nr back up plan for to long. Should every western state that has a healthy big game species to hunt allow unlimited amounts of big game hunting to nr? Just to make you feel better
You don't need a chart to see the trends that goes with everything we may not...