I have traveled through so many places too quickly as I always wanted to see more. Now I am more concerned with "exploring" a place rather than "seeing" it. Whatever you choose I hope you enjoy safe travels
Im in a shotgun/ straightwall state. Savage 220 shooting 2 3/4 remington accutips. Vortex pst 1-6x with a illuminated red dot on the middle of the crosshairs. If a deer is past 150 yards I become a photographer instead of a hunter.
A conservation easement is a legal contract. I wouldn't touch it without a lawyer looking into it. Then decide if it is worth it for you. Then follow the rules or expect bad things to happen.
Wash with half the recommended non scent detergent and air dry. Most fabrics are made out of the country and coated in chemicals. Your wife is right, I wont tell her though.
I run alkaline batteries in mine with solar panels. The only time I ran below 80 percent was when the cord came out. Except for february, march, and april I leave them out in the field. They work good for the cost. I have had cams stolen or lost before so I wont buy premium anymore.
I have had a couple coyotes down recently that suddenly came back to life. Onw was laying on its back not moving for 15 seconds, when I turned my attention away for a minute, poof, disappeared. One I popped this morning bucked, flopped, and layed flat as a pancake for 30 seconds then got up and...
I was disappointed trying ttsx in my new 300wm. I heard about the clean barrel before shooting monolithics thing so I tried it. I tried it and its true. Found ttsx to ve my most accurate load now. Its strange but true
It took the 350 legend a few years to have more than just the power point available. Now it has copper and bonded in the mix. I live in a shotgun state that just started allowing straight wall cartridges. Im hoping in a few years the 400 will have those also, it will justify a new rifle over my...