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  1. C

    GoHunt Mule Deer Podcast

    What a great episode. There was some very interesting data he threw out. We are all unwitting participants in these experiments.....well maybe not the L/E on Ted Turner's ranch.... It is incredible what is available to biologists and game agencies today compared to the past. The technology to...
  2. C

    Recommendations for Texas Mule Deer Outfitter

    Any luck finding an outfitter? I am booked for a mulie rut hunt on a MLD place in January in the T-P. I have high hopes but also am praying for a good monsoon this year! I have never been with them before but I can PM you the info if you are interested just let me know. I would be curious on...
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    Colorado Mule Deer Outfitter review

    Looks like you can draw a 4th season tag if you wait one more year!
  4. C

    Displaying Deer hides

    Howdy, I have 5 or 6 deer hides that I would like to display but looking for some inspiration. I have a couple of WT, a couple of mule deer, a chocolate fallow, and a axis so there is some variety. I am not super interested in investing a lot of money in something. One idea I have had was to...
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    Sold TriggerTech Remington 700 "Field" Trigger

    Thanks, I'm not in need of either of those things.
  6. C

    Sold Vortex Diamondback 10-42 Binos, Leupold Bino Harness

    Item: Vortex Diamondback 10-42 Binos Price: $100 paypal (includes shipping and fees) Description: These binos were used for several seasons and then have been put away since. Exterior shows normal wear such as around the bino harness loops but otherwise in excellent condition with no visible...
  7. C

    Sold TriggerTech Remington 700 "Field" Trigger

    Price: $120 obo shipped via PayPal. Description: Removed trigger from a Christensen rifle. Had no issues just wanted something with a little lighter weight for that spendy of a gun. This would do wonders for an older rifle with heavy springs and traditional sear. The swap was very easy.