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  1. Bigboone1988

    Exofficio alternative?

    I have been wearing Duluth buck naked and Armachillo. Both dry quickly but edge goes to Armachillo for quickest drying
  2. Bigboone1988

    .204 insert and collar systems

    I’ve been using the aluminum hit inserts with ethics archery collar for .204 arrows. Definitely cheaper than the iron will collars.
  3. Bigboone1988

    What’s a good earbud everyone uses at the gym?

    I’ve been using beats with noise cancellation and really like them. The kids both use airpod pros
  4. Bigboone1988

    Turkey success pic thread!

    IL 4th season. Ready for WI in a couple weeks
  5. Bigboone1988

    Turkey success pic thread!

    Second season in IL. Great start to the season and hoping to fill a few more tags between IL and WI
  6. Bigboone1988

    Black Eagle Rampage component recommendations…

    I run the same but with the Easton aluminum hits. Great set up
  7. Bigboone1988

    Sevr Broadheads

    I have had great luck the sevr 1.5 and 2.0 on whitetail. I shot a buck this year with the 1.5 and the arrow hit a little back…straight liver. He only went 80-90 yards. Great blood trails with all the deer I have killed with them. Haven’t broke or bent a blade yet
  8. Bigboone1988

    Toughest Dog Bed

    I’ve had best luck with primo pads in my dog crates. When my lab was a puppy he eventually scratched through the outer layer and got to the pad….took a couple months.
  9. Bigboone1988

    K3 1800 as day hunt pack

    You will have enough space and could add a lid if things get tight
  10. Bigboone1988

    Packing out a Whitetail

    I was good for tree stand hunting but I sold it after packing that buck and an antelope out. Very uncomfortable over 40 lbs. I switched to an exo…much better.
  11. Bigboone1988

    E-Collar Rec

    I’ve been using a Dogtra T&B dual with my labs the past three seasons. It’s been great so far, nice having the built in beeper when we get into taller/thicker cover
  12. Bigboone1988

    Packing out a Whitetail

    Only whitetail I have packed out. Had help from my brother tho. If we de-boned the meat I could have fit it in one pack.
  13. Bigboone1988

    Shed hunting

    I am in Illinois. We still have bucks holding but most have dropped
  14. Bigboone1988

    Shed hunting

    Put on 5 miles the other day. The biggest shed still had blood on base.
  15. Bigboone1988

    Sold Garmin Instinct Solar

    $135 obo
  16. Bigboone1988

    2022 Best Whitetail Hunt Photo Contest, Sponsored by First Lite

    Buck shed antlers after I shot him.