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  1. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    @Gsquared - I can't speak for other Roksliders, but as for me, yes species matter. It is not a one size fits all, across all big game. There are different numbers and objectives for each. There aren't an explosion of black bears, quite the opposite, but I'm glad you used them as an example...
  2. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    No problem man. I really do appreciate that. She was pretty happy and is definitely hooked on bowhunting I think.
  3. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    Ironically out of 2.8k views on YouTube, not a single negative comment, or thumbs down…… But on here?….. with “fellow hunters”??? Plenty….. you guys are a hoot.
  4. Justin Byers

    Daughters and Hunting

    I haven't forced it per se' on my girls... It's just a way of life around our house, and has been as long as they can remember. We fish, shoot gophers, etc... I make a big deal when they kill a deer, and make it a fun outing where they get snacks and dad's one-on-one attention. So far it seems...
  5. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    I am a long time poster on a different forum that has a designation for debate free thread. I don't know this site has that or not, but if it did (or does) I would have designated this particular post as debate free. I don't believe that a dad, who is proud off his daughter's first bowhunting...
  6. Justin Byers

    My daughter shot her first with a bow this weekend!

    Thanks for the question! You can go back read through some of my previous posts discussing it, but here is the summary: Wildlife departments set their season dates based on multiple criteria, including when the fawns are able to survive on their own. (that is why season doesn't start in July or...
  7. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    @atmat.. Sure thing boss. Thanks for the advice.
  8. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    I appreciate your thoughts. I honestly do. You are respectful and thoughtful. However, With regard to not allowing a hunter to shoot that doe, that is the point.... I was not asking for anyone's opinions on whether I should have allowed my daughter to shoot that doe. I wasn't asking whether you...
  9. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    Sure thing boss. Thanks for the advice.
  10. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    Sarcasm may be hard to read.... I don't think that's why peopled are giving me a hard time. More like internet keyboard warriors who have to comment on anything they don't like, regardless of the science or legality of it, but seeing as how the Bambi sentiments run strong with a few in this...
  11. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    See above... It's not their food source. Sorry you can't seem to comprehend that. As for the training on how to survive, they are already extremely adept at that, not to mention being with 50 other deer each night in the alfalfa field is a continuing education. You're views are emotion based...
  12. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    Don’t worry guys, I’m going to shoot about 3-4 myself this next couple weeks that have fawns with them, and I will think of you while I’m doing it! Lol…… You have to understand that every doe on this property has fawns. As to the question as to why wouldn’t I also shoot a fawn if it’s about...
  13. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    The purpose of posting a video on a public form was not to garner opinions…. and I certainly wasn’t looking for a bunch of opinions on whether she should or should not have shot a doe with fawns on a forum such as this. Just looking to share the success and excitement of my 13 year old daughter...
  14. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    Lol….. yep Bambi sentiments for sure…. Come on man, you’re using the word “heartless hunters” on a hunting forum? You have to be kidding me right? They aren’t dependent on nursing, and if they were, the season wouldn’t start when it does. You need to take this argument up with the fish and game...
  15. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    I observe these animals a lot, as I am at the property multiple times throughout the week. They are not nursing at this point and are eating almost exclusively alfalfa, which is part of the problem with the over population and the damage. I was actually surprised she even stopped to nibble on...
  16. Justin Byers

    Daughters first deer with a bow!!! Great footage

    Thank you Jay! You are exactly right! The Landowner on this particular place is getting close to calling the state in. Of course we don’t want that to happen, and have assured him that we will take out as many does as possible. Bucks are not the problem. Bucks are not the ones dropping two or...
  17. Justin Byers

    How much hunting ammo do you have per caliber?

    Not enough! I Have been actively working to build my ammo stock. My goal is 500 rounds for each caliber at any given time. That leaves me plenty to sign in and practice with well having enough to hunt with as well.
  18. Justin Byers

    Is 22-250 "enough gun" on wolves?

    I’ve never shot a wolf, but I can tell you this, a few years ago I was looking to invest in a new rifle for my wife and kids. The guy at the gun store talked me into a 22-250 loaded with 60 grain nosler partitions. Said him and his wife had killed dozens of big mule deer with it and that I would...
  19. Justin Byers

    Always, always check your tree stand for any possible issues. Had a cable break today when I was in the stand.

    so was this the strap that goes around the tree or the cables that go from the seat area to the platform?
  20. Justin Byers


    Man that’s cool! What a buck! Great job!