Is it the same as last year for entries with 1 for shooting, 2 for shooting with broadheads and 3 for shooting with broadheads and over 250 posts? I’m definitely in either way but was curious.
Our taxes are already some of the highest in the nation so I really hope they don’t raise them more. They moved the limit on gatherings from 250 down to 50 last night too so lots of job sites will probably shut down. The one problem with everything being shut down and schools closed is people...
This is what’s going on in Wa, people are going nuts fighting in stores, schools k-12 are closed state wide. General on my job will send you home if you look sick and you need note saying you are corona free to return.
3 hours away I gladly pay the $25
as far as the pad goes Ihad no complaints from the insulated klymit pad I used for a couple years and it is still in the closet for a backup.
another option for the filter would be the sawyer squeeze, you can filter more water faster than the mini and you can...
Should have no problem buying online, I got an email from seek outside about the sale and it has a link to the sale page. It is perfect timing since I have been wanting to pick up a redcliff.
I have been looking at getting the outdoorsman pistol grip to put on my promaster xc525c tripod and replace my benro s2 head. I was wondering if the Panner attachment is needed or if you can use just the pistol grip? I think I need to order the outdoorsman adapter app I can screw that in the...
i has the same questionsince I have a buddy that set up a trust with his dad and don’t quote me but he made it seem like if his dad passed away with the trust he could legally posses the suppressors that are in the trust.