Why would anyone need to submit their fitbit data or seat belt status? Are thousands of people that didn’t wear seatbelts filling up hospital beds? If so it didn’t make the news.
If millions of people decided not to wear seatbelts. Then 10K‘s accidents happened. From those accidents thousands of people show up in ER overwhelming ER and ICU. Yes, then we‘d need to consider it.
But seatbelts where not legally mandated at one point in time. We realized that wearing seat...
Here you go
And there are thousands of confirmed cases of people being reinfect after having Covid previously. Link below is a small sample size.
Sorry totally wrong. Our ICU are not overwhelmed today with Covid patients thanks to the Vaccine. They will be overwhelmed in just a few more weeks thanks to the unvaccinated.
First off I never suggested rejecting treatment for anyone. I suggested if you make a choice to not get vaccine and go to ER or ICU with Covid that person who was injured in car accident or tornado should get put to the head of the line. Its called triage. Or at least should be.
The point of my...
We are “controlled” by the government every day In hundreds of ways. We pay taxes. We have speed limits. It controls what medicine we can buy. It controls what medical procedures we can get. It controls our power source. It controls what we use for power. It controls what we can import and...
And what I point out is obese people are not filling up our ICU. Do you think Kentucky ICU’s where full of fat people 2 weeks ago? Or do you think it was full of tornado victim?
As I repeatedly point out fat people with heart disease are not the only people in the ICU of hospital. People with a wide variety of medical ailments are in the ICU.
So it’s only fat people in ICU? Not tornado victims? No injuries from wild fires? No shootings victims?
If we just get rid of fat people we don’t even need ICU? Brilliant!!! Think how much we‘ll save on health care cost!!! Why didn’t we think of this sooner?
If the fat person had a vaccine to prevent his heart attack think they’d take it? Or he‘d whine about his “Freedom”?
People think its only fat people & smokers filling the ICU‘s? I‘d think there are lot car accident or home injuries in the ICU. Or maybe just some old people who may need medical...
Your choice? Fine. When you go to hospital for Covid and didn’t get the shot you should be at the back of the line for treatment. If your in ICU and someone needs a bed, cancer or heart attack, you need move out and wait.
Porterhouse for me. While expensive it’s always nice for the wife to get dolled up and have a night out.
Last time I was at our local steakhouse a grandma at next table was taking the family out for Dinner. Waiter came out with tray full of their drinks. Long Ice tea, Martinis, High balls...
Would it not make way more sense to require you to have vaccine before you could open a policy?
Like everyone else I just went through open enrollment at my company. Vax status has no impact on opening or adding to life insurance.
This is false, employee was fired for stealing our medical records. And there was never any “proof”. This was debunked right after story was released. MSM ran with her lies because they hate our Governor.
Saw NY just added 11k to there dead count. MSM loved that NY Gov didn’t they, SMH.