Anyone know the scoop on these proposed unlimited cow tags in the east side of state this yr? I read the article and kinda alluded to private landowners maybe opening up ranches for this? But idk ? I was looking at unit 3 and 6 potentially and maybe u could be successful on some of the public there
That’s all interesting info. I’ve looked at that wilderness your talking about (andrefsky) I assume? And I did see where he is only allotted 6 permits. Is that all the permits the USFWS allowes in that wilderness? It’s 1.5 million acres. I really wasn’t aware most of the public there was refuge...
Yea I get it. What do they get now for their hunt? Also I kinda want to figure it out on my own and stuff. Their hunts u are going to a pre determined location by them. And that’s all well and fine. I just kinda want a lil diff experience
That gods aviation gets 20k now unguided. Thats insane! Idk maybe there is a better area w/o having to deal w the issues of these subsistence hunters anyway. So pilots have to get “approved” of where they are dropping u off by fish and game? Even on public?
I’ve researched this area pretty hard as well. I found a local in saint Mary’s that would rent a boat to you. But I kinda thought what u said above about pressure. I have a hard time stomaching what those guys in Bethal want to fly u in. Is there some way to find lesser known air taxis that may...
I apply in every western state out there and no one hits a card that didn’t draw. This is ass backwards to hit a card that didn’t draw! I have a pending charge as well. They are tying up ppls money that may have not even drawn. Stupid stupid
U can add the species layers in onx now and on CPW website. Then see their summer and winter area as well as migration patterns depending on weather prolly be somewhere in between those two. I’d prolly be more strategic than just wondering around thinking they are everywhere and anywhere just...
Yea me and him have went round and round before. He just had a issue w everything especially NR hunters having a say so in WY among many other things. Idk he just would act like if u don’t like the rules go somewhere else. We can all disagree w things and not act like that. We are all NR...