No issues so far with my think this could be a sizing issue? I know they're adjustable but wondering if the strap angles change slightly with the different sizes? What size binos are you housing and could it be a the weight of them and the other items we sometimes stick in the pouch.
That's what I've heard...keep the hide on it and prevent freezing. Guess it'll be next year before I'm able to give it a shot. Thanks again for the info!
Two biggest take-aways from this season, I'm sure these are well known but I'm always learning or maybe I'm just too much of a nice guy;
Pick your hunting partners wisely (while she can be a pain in the butt, my deployed wife is still my fav)
Leave all that extra crap at home (I keep over packing)
Any issues with meat quality on those late season hunts? Haven't done one as of yet having been successful during the fall however I've heard mixed feelings regarding the meat freezing quick and the overall taste of the meat.
Great info, looking to throw some together for a brown bear/blacktail deer hunt next month. I'll give them a try. Did I hear something about a 10% discount earlier?