I wish I knew the name of the one I have experience with. I know they do what ever it takes to get clients on bucks. I had a public land tag this year. I was making a move on a buck opening morning that was around 1,000 yards off the road on public. Were were circling around using a slight...
Apparently I was with the OTC hunt. Sept 28th. Outfitters flying every where. This was a very tough hunt.
I had a outfitter drive in on a buck were were stalking. The client jumps out and shoots the buck 200 yards in front of us. I know they were not allowed to drive on State land and doubt...
My New Mexico pronghorn antelope. The pressure of a 3 day hunt is challenging. Wide open country and skidish antelope. I was thankful to kill this buck around 11 am last day.
Dreaming about hitting one of those Lotto tickets. I have spent time looking at large ranches and prices. I came to one conclusion. Even if I hit one large enough to be able to purchase such a ranch. Heck, I would just pay for the hunts. Who the heck would want the worries of a ranch like that.
These type clubs always lead to people following me around trying to figure out where I kill all my big bucks.
Sorry just kidding. A little out of my area as I am on the South end.
I have a NM Tag 3 day hunt. No choice there. When I have hunted WY only one time did not hunt the opener.
The time I did not hunt the opener it was in the unit with the latest closing date. I took my son over Thanksgiving week. Very little public land and the antelope would bust out on you at...
Well don't feel bad. The tundra has humbled and provided the main ingredient for tag soup for many men.
What most people don't understand about the walk in area is you have no clue what is 5 miles from where you choose to depart. I feel luck is a valuable thing to have. If a person goes into...
Thanks for this information. It applies to my 2017 Buck. It allowed for almost 6 inches total. Ended up 80 5/8 gross and 79 2/8 final. Prior score was 73 6/8 final.
Fishing out of Fairbanks. I don't have much experience. Only one trip, but it was one to remember for a life time. Up the Haul Road is a good choice. But don't forget East of Fairbanks several lakes you can rent a small boat. If you would like some of the spots we fished feel free to PM me.
Congratulations on a great pronghorn!
Not very long till my hunt 09-28. Hoping to find some on State grounds. Seems like a good year for horn growth. I have been doing a lot of map searching in hopes of finding a nice one.
Do you every make payment and record the confirmation and think you have proof of payment?
I just discovered most companies and payment systems do not even have a way to track or connect the number to a payment.
I know for a fact that Progressive and other insurance operate this way.
Had a...
Not sure if this is good or bad news. Glad I did not have hunt planed for the opening date. I am sure several hunters do. Zone 3 is a complete change in type of hunt. Very little atv trails. There are a couple pack in and float options, but those options would require the right gear and a...
I live in Arkansas. Never see any Kuiu, but most Arkies have two types of clothing Camo and Razorback. Might see a little Drake clothing due to the out of state duck hunters.