I lost my Aubrey girl in October to cancer - 14.5 years old. She lived one heck of a life. From week long backpacking trips, experiencing the 2014-2017 quail bonanza, and years of accompanying me while graduate field work.
This is correct. I haven't drawn an elk tag since 2016 and since the archery seasons have been split I've not drawn a deer tag. I suppose you could almost guarantee a September archery deer tag but have fun baking in the desert sun.
Those are some beautiful units and certainly get hunted hard but still hold some decent bucks. The ranchers down there will blame everything under the sun except themselves for the massive overgrazing.
Struck out on all species here in New Mexico 😡. I decided not to apply to Wyoming with the uncertainty of fire season next fall but hoping archery deer in Kansas comes through.
@NorCalBowHuntr916 which unit did you draw for pronghorn?