If I had to guess that would be the total stock market return per year since 2010. A total stock market or S&P index will give you almost the same return with an expense ratio of usually less than 0.1%.
PRK was some of the best money I've ever spent. It's amazing waking up and being able to see. Haven't had any issues with dry eyes, however my eyes do seem more sensative to light as others have said. I just wear sunglasses more often.
Free PRK would be a no brainer for me as I've told people...
The Adirondacks would be a good place in the New England area. From what I've heard Maine would be as well. Density of deer is fairly low but there have been some big name trackers who killed nice bucks every year tracking them in the snow.
For those of you holding the bag in GTE rather than holding PR, earnings just came out yesterday. I sure do regret the decision to sell PR and hold GTE...
There are many GC's who will price only the drawings knowing they will likely run into change order work down the road. This is the only way they can be in the ball park on bid prices and win jobs.
There are other GC's who will price the job on the drawings and also based on assumed issues...
Randy rogers
Stoney larue
Wade bowen
Cody johnson
Ian munsick
Mike ryan
Casey Donahue
Robert earl keen
Aaron watson
Josh ward
Zach bryan
Triston marez
Chris knight
Josh Abbott
Kristen foreman
Kylie frey
Kaitlin butts
Pecos and the rooftops
Jon pardi
Randall king
Jon wolfe
Plenty more plus...
For those of you following GTE it appears they are going to propose a reverse split at the May meeting. Every time I have seen a company do a reverse split it ends poorly. Any thoughts on this?
I bought a diamond infinite edge for my first bow when I was in the same position you are. Killed an elk with it and decided I wanted to continue archery elk.
The next year I wanted a better bow and went and bought a used flagship bow for almost the same price as the infinite edge. In hindsight...
Yup figure out what area you want to go to and then take a look at the fishing atlas to narrow down bodies of water and types of fish in them. Lots of places that hold fish that aren't shown on the atlas though so don't limit yourself to just these locations...