Search results

  1. sjwfarms


    push day: warmup flies 2x12 each chest/rear delt BB bench 10/10/10/8//6/4 45/135/185/215/235/265 DB seated arnolds 10/10/7 + amrap 60/70/80 + 50 BB decline 10/10/8 185/205/225 DB laterals F/S 2x12 each 25s 15 min abs
  2. sjwfarms


    quick leg day before dinner with my daughter warmup 3x12 curls/ext DB 24" box steps 3x15 40s 10 min 30" box steps alternating Leg press 10x no rest 150 to 400 and back down (50# +/+ each set) I try to do some form of a traditional push/pull/legs routine alternating days with hiking...
  3. sjwfarms


    ^^ @Carr5vols A little of both. welcome, can always use a few more southerners aboard to constantly complain about the heat, humidity and lack of elevation to train in.
  4. sjwfarms


    Took a much needed day off yesterday. today: 4 miles 500' feet with my wife and daughter, the latter arrived home yesterday for a 3 day visit before heading across the pond.
  5. sjwfarms


    caught a second wind.. pull day: warmup pullup ladder to 6 hammer pulldowns 10/10/10/7 90/140/180/205 DB bo rows 10/10/9 60/75/90 seated cable rows 10/8 + amrap 120/160 + 100 2x 1 min dead hangs
  6. sjwfarms


    3 hours of tree removal and axe work try to hold on to it for 3 more weeks, I'll be there in two.
  7. sjwfarms

    Fly fishing

    Ebay is your friend when it comes to fly fishing. As most people on this site already know, gear acquisition is an addiction. I've bought so many high end fly rods and reels at 50%+ discounts simply because gear junkies sell off "old and out dated" rods for the latest and greatest. Same...
  8. sjwfarms


    push: warmup chest/shoulder fly 3x10 BB bench 10/10/10/8/6 45/135/185/215/235 DB shoulder press 10/10/8 55/65/75 DB overhead tris 2x12 70s DB incline 3x10 75 DB laterals 3x10 front/side 20s core Another tree down from random wind storm, chainsaw and axe day tomorrow
  9. sjwfarms


    3 miles 25# new tip: if you're having trouble finding the right balance in your pack adding various plates/sand etc. Wait until your wife buys a 20lb vest and just throw it in your day pack. perfect balance. 😀
  10. sjwfarms


    legs: warmup 3x12 each curls/ext BB squat 3x10 45/135/185 DB box steps 24" 3x10 each 35/45/55 Box steps 30" 3x15 each BW core
  11. sjwfarms


    3 miles 96 degrees @ 6PM Looking like it might be a long miserable summer
  12. sjwfarms


    pull day: hex deads 10/10/10/8/6 45/135/185/225/275 Hammer chest rows 3x10 45/90/115 Hammer pulldowns 3x10 90/180/230 cable rows 2x10 + amrap 120/160 + 100 DB hammers 2x12 35s
  13. sjwfarms

    Full shoulder shipping

    ^^ Talk to your taxidermist. If they know what they're doing they shipped a bunch of these and have trusted carriers they use. Cost is probably around $400-500, that's based on a euro I had shipped to TN this year....If you're looking for an excuse to go to MT in the summer, then I can't...
  14. sjwfarms


    5 miles 800' a cool 93 degrees in the shade
  15. sjwfarms


    push day: warmup machine flies chest/rear delt 2x12 each bench warmup then 10/8/6/4 + amrap 185/215/235/255 + 165 DB shoulder press 10/10/8 45/55/65 DB overhead tris one arm 3x12 30s DB shoulder y's 2x12 30s
  16. sjwfarms


    celebrated the longest day of the year with a couple of miles and finished off with some core work and stretching.....also my anniversary so a good meal and some good wine with a good woman
  17. sjwfarms

    Rifle Case

    I'd say if you're just going to range and hunting (local) then the Plano, Cabelas, Harbor Freight etc. are all good choices. I use soft cases for those occasions and store in safe when not in use. If you're going to be throwing them in the belly of an airplane I'd go with the Pelican.
  18. sjwfarms


    leg day: staying light all week curls/ext warmup 3x12 each squats warmup then 3x12 135 DB box steps 24" 3x10 each 45s Box steps 30: 3x10 each BW core 2 easy miles
  19. sjwfarms


    5 miles 800'
  20. sjwfarms


    Pull day: 12x10 various TRX pullups/rows stretching/flexibility Stayed light as still nursing shoulder pain. Still don't know what I did to cause the pain. Only thing I can think of is aggravating old baseball rotator cuff injury from watching too much College World Series. Only problem with...