Search results

  1. sjwfarms


    short upper body: flies warmup 2x12 chest/shoulder BB bench 10/10/8/6 + amrap 135/185/225/255 + 185 pullups 3x10 DB arnolds 3x15 45s hammers 3x15 35s 3 miles Liking that snow MT guys, keep it up. let me down last year and made things hard.
  2. sjwfarms


    3 miles 550' 35# first day of the fall in the 50's so broke out the 1000g boots for a trial run to make sure they're ready for the mountains next month. May have been a little too soon🥵
  3. sjwfarms


    mid day short upper body: warmup hammer flies 2x15 each chest/shoulder DB Bench 3x10 55/70/85 DB arnolds 3x10 60s 3x10 pullups 3x10 reverse hammer pulldowns 140 abs afternoon: 4 miles 500'
  4. sjwfarms


    3 easy miles for a recovery day range day, dialed shots back and forth at ranges between 100-500 yards. new rifles in shape for next month.
  5. sjwfarms


    5 miles 900' 35#
  6. sjwfarms

    What duck call should I get?

    big fan of RNT, keep the timbre, regular and a short barrel on my lanyard....and as others have said, also a haydel's for when the others start sticking
  7. sjwfarms


    4.5 miles 750' big bucks out in bachelor groups before they split up and the rumble begins next month. pretty cool to see.
  8. sjwfarms


    full body, leg focus stretch/warmup deads 4x8 135/185/225/275 24" box steps 2x15 each 45# pack 30" box steps 1x15 each 45# 2x10 pullups BB incline 3x12 165 abs
  9. sjwfarms


    3 miles 500' 35#
  10. sjwfarms


    Going 3 day a week limited full body lift, focusing on the miles for next month until departure. warmup BB Bench 10/10/8/6 + amrap 135/185/225/265 + 185 DB Arnolds 3x8 60s Hammer chest rows 3x10 180 chin-ups 3x8 KB carry 2x1 minute 60s 3 miles @sargent Wish you the best! @mtwarden that sucks...
  11. sjwfarms


    today: 5 miles 850' yesterday: 6 hours cutting/clearing fields in front of stands at farm. took a little break to watch my team beat the #1 ranked team in the country for the first time ever. then took another break to watch my daughter's team beat the #4 team in the country. Pretty good...
  12. sjwfarms


    3 miles 35# 600'
  13. sjwfarms

    Any Turnpike Troubadours fans here?

    Just going to repost my comment from this old thread. Sometimes you get what you wish for 😎
  14. sjwfarms


    random day: warmup strict pullups 3x8 hammer pull downs 3x15 140 trx rows various 4x12 24" box steps 3x20 each 40# 30 box steps 3x20 each BW
  15. sjwfarms


    3 miles 35# The reality is we're all training for real situations like this. Fun things like chasing animals just gives us the motivation to keep doing it.
  16. sjwfarms


    3 easy miles
  17. sjwfarms


    short push day: warmup chest/shoulder fly 2x12 each BB Bench 10/10/10/8/6 45/135/185/225/255 DB arnolds 10/8 + amrap 55/70 + 40s DB overhead tris 2x10 65s smith incline 3x10 205
  18. sjwfarms


    4 miles 500' 35#, stuck to the pavement roads, trees still falling all around, drought, beetles, rain and wind all catching up at once hearing personal stories from friends from Florida to TN of sudden and unimaginable damage out of nowhere. crazy stuff...looking forward to simpler times...
  19. sjwfarms


    3 miles 35# in the pouring rain and wind from Helene.....and I'm 500 miles from landfall
  20. sjwfarms


    pull day: deads 10/10/10/8/6 45/135/185/225/275 pullups 3x8 hammer pulldowns 10/10/8 90/140/160 seated cable rows 10/10/8 120/160/180 db hammer curls 2x12 35s core