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  1. Indian Summer

    Still have bull tag, rifle outfitter?

    I live in western Pennsylvania. 24 hours of driving to western Wyoming. The southern region has more open country than the west. As far as blow downs, that’s just something you can only avoid by having some experience in a particular area. I agree about looking for at least semi open country...
  2. Indian Summer

    Thorofare wilderness hunt

    There is no way an outfitter could convince me that a hunt starting in the 28th would be better than one ending then. I think that’s a sales tactic to fill the second hunt. I’m sure he can fill the first one years in advance.
  3. Indian Summer

    WANTED: Your Top 5 Base Camp Tips or Hacks

    Every woodstove is different. I’ve had multiple woodstoves that were the same model and behaved a little differently. Woodstoves used to heat homes are double walled and have tighter seals than a single wall steel cylinder stove. For me, the big thing is that there’s not a lot of time in...
  4. Indian Summer

    Is a hot tent needed for second season rifle Colorado?

    You should always hope for the best, but definitely plan for the worse. I would never go rifle hunting without a way to keep everything warm and more importantly dry as a bone. You can’t hide in your sleeping bag forever.
  5. Indian Summer

    Migrating Elk Behavior

    Just like always, they cover ground at night in bed down during the day. The nice thing is that a spot that had no elk today could be loaded with them in the morning.
  6. Indian Summer

    Any elk updates from Bighorns?

  7. Indian Summer

    WY Grizzlies

    lol Rockslider with all due respect you should have a little more respect for wildlife. Bears don’t wake up and say let’s go ruin a human’s day. They are just being bears doing what bears do. If you want to blame anyone it’s the disgusting anti hunters who are largely to blame for mismanagement...
  8. Indian Summer

    Trophy Elk: What's it to YOU

    I think it goes without saying that a 350 inch bull is a trophy in anyone’s book. If it isn’t take me hunting where you hunt and I’ll shoot the little ones. I keep seeing that 300 number. I know that a lot of guys on here know what a 300 inch bull looks like. But a lot of newer hunters do not...
  9. Indian Summer

    How do you get your elk racks back home in your truck bed? Tips / Pics appreciated.

    I put the heads in first and pack things around them. Out of sight out of mind. Antlers in plain view invite thieves and encourage more game checks. Show and tell when you get home.
  10. Indian Summer

    Trophy Elk: What's it to YOU

    Elk are for both. Deer are for when elk season is over. They are for antlers.
  11. Indian Summer

    Trophy Elk: What's it to YOU

    Any 6 point bull on public land is a trophy to me.
  12. Indian Summer

    Mule deer Wyoming Options?

    I never thought about it that way. But at least you know guys like that won’t be back anytime soon. On another note why the fk is a resident otc area one that requires over 10 points and rising? That’s similar to region G deer hunting. It’s otc for you guys and once in a lifetime for a non res...
  13. Indian Summer


    Yes. Years ago. Videos like that will always go viral. Videos of bulls wounded and going unrecovered never even make it to the Internet though so that kind of thing holds no weight with me. None. Your personal experiences do though. Mine have not been the same. I’ve seen arrows buried up to the...
  14. Indian Summer


    Yes. Years ago. Videos like that will always go viral. Videos of bulls wounded and going unrecovered never even make it to the Internet though so that kind of thing holds no weight with me. None. Your personal experiences do though. Mine have knocked in the same. I’ve seen arrows buried up to...
  15. Indian Summer


    I’ll say this…. I’ve been hunting elk most of my life. You are certainly a respectful and humble hunter. You handle constructive criticism very well. I think you will learn from your mistakes and do very well in the future. Never give up. As a seasoned elk Hunter, I have to say when I hear...
  16. Indian Summer

    Not the regular what cartridge poll.

    If they all had sufficient ballistics, I would take the one with the best ballistics. Personally, it sounds like his heaviest bullet is working best which is perfect.
  17. Indian Summer


    Frontal at close range, what could possibly go wrong? 🙄
  18. Indian Summer

    Not the regular what cartridge poll.

    Really? Which matters most??? Wow
  19. Indian Summer

    Not the regular what cartridge poll.

    I’d go with that 180 grain out of your first choice.
  20. Indian Summer

    Still have bull tag, rifle outfitter?

    There is nothing at all wrong with public land hunting in general units. We do extremely well.