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  1. G


    With the need to put AL inserts everywhere, the need for a bow to be square/plum and the fact the carbon bows are not much lighter then the AL bows, I am having a hard time understanding the benefits? Seems like more of a gamble that you will get one that shoots well vs the AL riser bow.
  2. G

    Pick Your 2 Weeks in September

    Some good feedback here. You need to answer a couple questions though before this can be properly discussed. The first two things I would ask: What kind of shape are you in and what elevation do you live at? Looks close to sea level (OK) and if you had ten points, you are at least in your...
  3. G


    All the elk in Colorado are on private land. Not even worth coming. ;-)
  4. G

    2 Years vs Brand new - is there THAT big of a change?

    It has been a disappointment that technology has not change much in the last 10 years. I see more of a focus on "efficiency," but the really efficient bows are not any faster and I am still young enough that the extra energy doesn't yet matter. And when it comes to weight, bows from the mid to...
  5. G

    2020-24 season structure options

    I have hunted NM and a split season (option 3) seems to work for them. It would probably reduce the weekend warriors that just hunt every weekend, however, those are mostly residents. If they actually enforce the 35% NR rules, which supposedly they do for the first draw, option 2 could help...
  6. G

    Sig Kilo 1200 for Archery

    I was doing some more serious shopping and pricing today. I went and checked out the Sig Kilo 850 and a 1800BDX. In playing around with them, I do not think I could live without the OLED where and when I hunt. I really liked the size of the Sig and how fast it output readings. No delay at...
  7. G

    Colorado Wolf Reintroduction...

    Kill on site.
  8. G

    2020-24 season structure options

    The only thing that is going to fix Colorado is better support of its residents, less NR OTC and less rifle tags. What stinks is, Colorado has the biggest herds and the most elk habitat, but the least chance for good hunting on trophy elk. As someone else said, it is a dumping ground. Triple...
  9. G

    Sig Kilo 1200 for Archery

    Thanks everyone.
  10. G

    Do vented Iron Wills whistle

    I am also curious if anyone has seen planning with the solids, or if this issue has kind of gone away as we have moved to heavier, weight forward arrows?
  11. G

    Sig Kilo 1200 for Archery

    I am about to purchase a new range finder and while I don't want to be cheap, I am having a hard time justifying getting a more expensive one. I archery hunt 95% of the time and am not going to shoot past 300 or 400 yards with a rifle, so what is the point? Are the Kilo's of good quality? I...
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    2017 Success Photos

    My CO bull. I didn't get a chance to score him before he was off to have his flesh eaten by beetles for the skull mount. Any elk experts with a guess on the score? I am 5'11"
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    Colorado Unit 76

    Thanks Cowboy....I figured if I see a bunch of nice bulls glassing, or only small bulls, that would help set my expectations. If I see a 6 point, I am for sure pulling the trigger. Anything over 280 would make me really happy!
  14. G

    Colorado Unit 76

    Great bull. Sounds like it was a great hunt. We head down this Thursday night for muzzleloader in this unit. We are still trying to narrow things down on where to start the hunt out of the places that we scouted. It will be myself and buddy, both from CO and both with a tag. I am getting...