Search results

  1. FirstTimer

    DO NOT tell your non hunting friends you killed an elk...

    Gotta admit, I feel their pain man. I've only been at it for two years. Got about as close as you can get without firing a shot last year, but didn't seal the deal. Fires threw a real wrench in everything this year and I ended up in an OTC unit with about 5 million people. So after two years...
  2. FirstTimer

    Any Colorado GMU without beetle kill?

    "The earth is healing" lol
  3. FirstTimer

    The Freezer has been Refilled

    Man, I'm sorry to hear about the thieves you never had the opportunity to encounter. I can't imagine having the nerve to drive up and steal someone's kill. 1) Obviously that's just a morally disgusting thing to do. 2) If I was that type of person, I still wouldn't do it. Imagine someone walking...
  4. FirstTimer

    Disabled veterans elk tags - which states?

    I'm 40% disabled but haven't even looked for anything like this (honestly feel a little guilty accepting DAV stuff in general, because my quality of life is still pretty good). I knew they did stuff for DAVs but I thought it required a much higher rating. Good to know and would love to get in on...
  5. FirstTimer

    Rifle hunting resources

    I appreciate it guys. I've watched some of Randy's stuff and it's great. Just looking to keep expanding but it's not like I've even gotten close to watching all he has to offer so I'll keep at it.
  6. FirstTimer

    Rifle hunting resources

    Anyone know any good resources (podcasts, websites, books, etc.) that are more geared toward rifle hunting? Seems like most are more focused on bow hunting. I've learned a lot from those too, but obviously tactics are different and I'd like to find something more specific to what I'm doing.
  7. FirstTimer

    Lost and Found

    I don't think there's a place just for that here, but that's not a bad idea.
  8. FirstTimer

    Snowy Range fire started

    Ah man, thanks for the update. That was the one I found on inciweb at the time.
  9. FirstTimer

    Snowy Range fire started

    I hope so but it's grown fast so far. I'll be sure to do my rain dances; gonna make a long drive longer for me next month if it gets any worse.
  10. FirstTimer

    Snowy Range fire started

    Took me a minute to find on the site so I thought I'd share. Here's the current closure map.
  11. FirstTimer

    Snowy Range fire started

    This sucks man. Would be so nice to see some more moisture move in and put a stop to this one before it really gets bad, but I'm not so optimistic.
  12. FirstTimer

    Cameron Peak fire

    No need to get onto people for not stating the obvious man. Of course we all feel bad when uncontroversially bad things happen to others. Luckily, we don't have to forget about our own lives in the process, and we still get to talk about hunting on hunting forums. Amen to all the other stuff you...
  13. FirstTimer

    Cameron Peak fire

    Awesome. Thanks a lot for the info. I have no desire to go into the actual burn area this year and I don't need access to the highway it's on either; just hoping I can get to an area that's within 15 or 20 miles of there during 2nd rifle in late October. Like I said, I don't know much about...
  14. FirstTimer

    Cameron Peak fire

    This fire has grown big time over the past couple days; snowing ash over here in Wellington. But there's a good chance 6-12 inches of snow gets dumped on it over the next day or two. Couple questions: 1. Will the snow put a real dent in this thing? 2. Will it affect things later in the season...
  15. FirstTimer

    South Carolina hunting opportunities

    The "crayon colored shorts" gave me a chuckle man. Very apt description there lol
  16. FirstTimer

    South Carolina hunting opportunities

    Yea, I guess the notion of a club I have in mind is only really based on the few things I've read about them and the descriptions a friend of mine's dad gave me when I was younger. I had in mind a spot that several guys manage together and pay dues to keep up, and where there might be some...
  17. FirstTimer

    South Carolina hunting opportunities

    I was born and raised in upstate SC. Military took me overseas for a few years and spit me out in CO. It looks like I'm probably headed back to SC (Columbia) for law school next year. I'd never hunted in my life before moving out west so idk much about what hunting's like back home. I hunt...
  18. FirstTimer

    Anticipated impacts of COVID-19 on hunting this year?

    Your point about the "flattening the curve" doctrine taking hold is spot on. Even if you thought the virus was a complete manufactured hoax, that wouldn't change the fact that 99% of the population is operating under the assumption that it's real and is taking steps to slow its spread.
  19. FirstTimer

    Anticipated impacts of COVID-19 on hunting this year?

    Other than long-distance travel, anyone foresee any coronavirus-related negative effects/disruptions to in-state hunting this fall?
  20. FirstTimer

    What compels you to share your hunting spot/unit on Rokslide?

    What exactly do you guys consider a "hunting spot?" I think the definition matters a lot, and as a newer hunter I think I might've misinterpreted what people mean by it based on what I'm seeing here. I've been taking it to mean info beyond just a unit number. I see what you guys mean about not...