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  1. Kaleb W

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    Dipped my toe back in with the LCID dip and a little more crypto (BTC, ETH, SOL, ADA)
  2. Kaleb W

    45-70 grizzly ammo

    Not as good as hardcast bullets, but beggars can't be choosers these days. It'll do.
  3. Kaleb W

    "Typical" Brown Bear "Mauling" account. (Educational)

    So true. Just because you're armed to the teeth doesn't mean it will do you any good when a bear is instantly rag-dolling you.
  4. Kaleb W

    School me on calling cats

    Really nice meat... like GDog was saying, it just looks and even smells nice. A far cry from a stinky coyote. Here's a photo of a "catstrap" off a lynx.
  5. Kaleb W

    School me on calling cats

    Good point about changing sounds... I've had great luck using a variety of hare sounds on the same set, but I once watched a Lynx turn around after accidentally hitting a bird sound after playing snowshoe hare sounds for 20+ minutes straight. Brought him back after I switched back to hare...
  6. Kaleb W

    School me on calling cats

    You might want to give a decoy of some sort a try... like a hanging bird wing or electronic decoy to add movement. Take advantage of their curiosity.
  7. Kaleb W

    School me on calling cats

    Are you able to call at night in your neck of the woods? I'd bet that would make a big difference... I think they're much more likely to throw caution to the wind when it's dark.
  8. Kaleb W

    School me on calling cats

    They'll approach from downwind, but not every time. They can't help but try to lay eyes on whatever is making all that awful noise, even if they catch some human scent. That's been my experience at night at least. Stick to distress sounds that match what they're targeting. In my case I only use...
  9. Kaleb W

    School me on calling cats

    I've called in a good amount of lynx up here this winter and you won't want to approach them the same way you'd approach coyotes. Set yourself up in the most advantageous shooting/calling position and disregard wind direction (within reason)... then call loud and constant. Plan on sitting for...
  10. Kaleb W

    Who did you meet hunting this year?

    Met a nice couple that recently moved to the US from Eastern Europe. They were scouting for their moose tag as I was on top of the mountain glassing for brown bears. Their dog ran up the hill to say hi to me (10/10 good boy) so I walked down and chatted with them for a while and told them about...
  11. Kaleb W

    New member, moving to Alaska!

    Any reason(s) in particular why you recommend zachar bay for deer? I've hunted that bay in recent years as well as other parts of the island and have a drastically different opinion. Kaleb
  12. Kaleb W

    Can you outrun a bear?

    Awesome video! Thanks for sharing. One morning on a moose hunt we glassed a 40" or so bull running full tilt up and over a hill with a grizz right behind him. Don't know how that turned out for the moose but it was pretty cool to see.
  13. Kaleb W

    Alaska question?

    Not required but it's a good idea on some hunts... road system caribou hunts in particular. Things turn western real quick when a herd crosses the road and people start bailing out of their trucks.
  14. Kaleb W

    2021 coyotes, lets see em!

    Got a pretty AK coyote to trot right in on the first stand of the new year. Started circling downwind and lip squeaked him right into my lap. Fun using the shotgun. -KW
  15. Kaleb W

    SLDMTN 2020 Hunt Compilation - PIC HEAVY

    Thanks for the photos and stories! Haven't been able to get out in the mountains yet so I'm living vicariously through you guys. Nice work as always :) Kaleb W.
  16. Kaleb W

    Marlin lever gun toters?

    I love my Marlin 45-70 but I only carry it when I'm hunting moose in the trees, for bear protection, or when I don't really care that much about bring home meat since my shooting range is limited... I shoot it with a peep and I keep myself honest on shooting distance. If I'm hunting open...
  17. Kaleb W

    PWS black bear

    Congrats to your son! Father/son moments like that are what it's all about. I love seeing photos of those early spring hides in the sound, and it doesn't need to be a 6 or 7 footer to be a prize. KW
  18. Kaleb W

    What is your favorite hunting dog and why ?

    I love this thread! I'm partial to Goldens and my boy Jackson has been such a fun companion for the last 4 years. He may not be the "best" hunting dog in the field, but he's definitely my favorite. -Kaleb W
  19. Kaleb W

    How far have you traveled for a weekend hunt

    15 hour drive from Anchorage to the North Slope to hunt caribou for 2 days. Me and a buddy did the 5 mile walk from the road since we were rifle hunting and took 1 caribou back with us. That was a lot of effort for a caribou but I'm glad I made that trip as an over-eager 21 year old... Good times.
  20. Kaleb W

    Hunting Podcasts

    Remi is great to listen to and it's clear that he does it for the right reasons. Like any other form of media, if the primary goal is to gain attention/monetize, the result is going to come across incredibly tacky and obnoxious. There are prominent hunting podcasts that I believe started with...