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  1. F

    Thinking about moving out to CO

    I've been catching up.
  2. F

    Public Land Privatization, What We Can Do

    I can't disagree with any of that, and I work for a big oil company....or three. I can tell you one thing though, and it's not speculation, the Democratic party is very much into "big oil", especially our would-be lady president elect. They love putting a nice "green" spin on their domestic...
  3. F

    Public Land Privatization, What We Can Do

    My speculation is only based on the experience I have. Allegiances to parties aside, I don't see how anyone could agree on the privatization of public land unless it's putting money in their pocket. I'm not defending either party. Just speculating.
  4. F

    Coffee Blocks Review

    I thought I was about to be sold! I love my bullet proof coffee but I guess I'll just enjoy it at the house.
  5. F

    Public Land Privatization, What We Can Do

    I agree with this. I was just informed about all of this, for I have been in la la land, just trying to plan my hunts. I will try to be more informed for sure, but as far as "party lines" go, I think this is less ironic than you think considering how little it has to do with hunting. I don't...
  6. F

    Thinking about moving out to CO

    I'm from Brazoria County so I know all about those summers you are talking about. My situation was like yours but opposite. I came out here and started working and my wife followed four months later. It was a lot of fun showing her around when she got here. If you are into the outdoors and...
  7. F

    Thinking about moving out to CO

    Are you saying republicans voted for the selling of public land in Colorado?
  8. F

    Training while on Low Carb Diet

    I've mentioned this in another thread but what started it all for me is, short version....My wife was having a lot of health issues after our third child, pill bottle after pill bottle of prescribed medication, diagnosed with lupus and had some very painful and debilitating symptoms. The...
  9. F

    Training while on Low Carb Diet

    You're right. And just being aware of what your body is going through makes it easier. I'm not always good at practicing what I preach and the way that I prepare for different seasons or activities is inconsistent of what I know is right. This causes lots of pain and a very sharp learning...
  10. F

    Cutting a Barrel down

    This for sure. There is a lot to say for how a bullet exits a barrel. I only have second hand experience with cutting a barrel down...a buddy had a Sendero in 25-06 and he took 2 inches off, improving the accuracy.
  11. F


    That makes sense. Definitely a good way to look at it. I do a lot of recreational hiking, a lot of it to guage and improve my fitness level so I guess that's not too much different. I just lie to myself by packing heavy "necessities". :)
  12. F

    Top 5 gear items that help you hunt more efficiently/comfortably

    Thanks for laughing. :) I figure many might judge me for that but right now I'm also dealing with the frustration of about 5 cords of wood at my house that must not be seasoned properly and I'm having hell starting fires in my stove. I know my chimney is pulling because I've got some of last...
  13. F

    Training while on Low Carb Diet

    I'll rephrase that don't want to be making the "transition" to the state of ketosis when on a pack-out. Does that make better sense? I do not maintain the state throughout the year so several times a year a friend and I make the painful transition and during those periods which...
  14. F


    I think training with a weighted pack is good stuff. That's how we did it in the Marines and we weren't carrying the weight on our hips either. We just got used to it. I would do that now, I just don't like putting the wear on my nice packs filling them with weight. Maybe it doesn't wear on...
  15. F

    Thinking about moving out to CO

    Depending on how rural or urban you want your new life to be, I would say give the whole western half of Colorado a look. Some of it is very desolate but there are also some nice little hubs with all the amenities. I know there are extremes but nowhere in the lower 48 is going to be totally...
  16. F

    Top 5 gear items that help you hunt more efficiently/comfortably

    I'll add 5 more just for fun 1. Sea to Summit Kitchen sink(folds up to the size of a fist if you want to pack it. Holds water and is most useful in camp for cleaning cast iron or making soapy water for frequent hand washing while you clean an animal near a water source) 2. Small bottle of Camp...
  17. F

    Running for Shots

    I know a guy who hunts black bear and heard from a guy that accompanied him once. He said he'll run you into the ground chasing bears. He's got quite a few bear to show for it too. Of course this isn't running at the bear in plain site but a lot of jogging to move in on them.
  18. F

    Training while on Low Carb Diet

    But all's relevant....You definitely don't want to be in a state of ketosis on a pack-out.
  19. F

    Training while on Low Carb Diet

    Back in my early 20's when I was a wannabe triathlete I was swimming about 8000 meters a day, biking nearly 50 miles and running anywhere from 3 to 12 miles a day, carb loading was a must. Even back then I had what we called a "swimmer's layer" from all the carbs that I ingested. I had to...
  20. F


    This is all making me feel better. I know I'll be packing meat this year whether I get an elk or not. If I get something the first trip back will be the toughest with more gear and the head, if I don't saw the antlers. Returning trips will be just water, cliff bars and a pistol...and a full...