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  1. S

    Hunting coyotes in high pressure areas

    Hunting pressured coyotes isn't very productive, but it it gives you a nice fuzzy warm feeling when you finally trick them! I am stuck hunting very educated coyotes most of the time, but I still kill them. Hunting at night they will still behave the same way, but it does open up a lot more...
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    Best AR for Coyotes…

    Another vote for rock river! If they don't have what you want, then build one. When I priced out buy vs build it was a wash, unless I cut corners. Only complaint on the rock river x-1 is I'm not a huge fan of the trigger after shooting my bolt guns.
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    Spot Hogg vs Black Gold thoughts

    Switching out parts on a SH is easy. I have a single, triple, and 5 pin housing. I can shoot fixed or use the tommy hogg base. I prefer the 5 pin for elk and 3 pin for deer/turkey. My single pin housing and fixed base is currently collecting dust.
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    Thermal hunters, scanner or weapon mounted first?

    To scan with a scope on a gun you really need a collapsible or folding stock (guys who complain about it probably fight having the stock in the way, but I know people who do it). If scanning that way is the hardest thing you do all week, you don't work very hard. You need a good tripod/head no...
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    Advice on night vison scope with rangefinder

    The pulsar ultra digisight lrf is nice! I see they discontinued them, but looks like some are still in stock.
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    Are you taking a trailer?

    I have done both. How many coolers you need seems to be the limiting factor for a short bed truck. Most of my hunts have been 10-14 day archery elk and I don't think I have never not used a trailer or camper. I have done a couple quick rifle trips and got away with just a truck (two guys only is...
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    AGM Varmint LFR TS50-384

    The MK1 looks great for calling, the 4x would be perfect for a lot of areas I hunt. I'm on the opposite end of the state, so not quite as wide open as where you are! I plan on using my older scope as a scanner, I have used it in the past as a scanner and it works just fine. I also have my gun...
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    AGM Varmint LFR TS50-384

    Trying out the bravo, it was on sale too! I didn't want to mess with internal batteries down the road on the bolt. I looked at the rico g, but decided to save the $800. They way things are going I could probably pick up a used one for much cheaper next year, if I want to try the lrf. Berings...
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    AGM Varmint LFR TS50-384

    Thanks for the replies! Didn't get much feed back, so I made some phone calls. Doesn't sound like the image on these is close to bering or iray. Iray has a 4x 384 scope that looks really nice, but more than I really wanted to spend. Going to try the 3x base mag iray first and see how I like...
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    Is 308 good enough

    I can confirm the SST's don't get the best penetration for closer/higher velocity shots! We have shot a pile of deer and antelope, with .308 and .270. ~150 and in I"m taking neck and head shots or they may run a little on you. At 200-400+ they work great!
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    ND Coyote Hunt

    What gun/bullet combo are you using this year (same as last)? Good luck!
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    AGM Varmint LFR TS50-384

    Anyone have info on this scope or a link to some good info? I am wanting to know how this compares to the super hogster. Looking at the specs image quality should be similar, but with a higher base mag (4.5 vs 3). I can't find a direct comparison for some reason. Current scope is a hogster 35...
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    No longer seeing mature whitetail deer on farm

    Do your neighbors have a lot of mature deer living on them? If, so then I would take some advice from the guys about improving your 160 acres/herd. I'm guessing they don't or I would expect some to still show up on your place now through december (you hold doe), but I could be wrong. The...
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    No longer seeing mature whitetail deer on farm

    Has anything changed in neighboring properties? Loss of habitat - more pressure? It's hard to "manage" deer on a small parcel, when the area around you is not suitable for mature deer to make a living or the neighbors are slaughtering them.
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    It will work fine!
  16. S

    Found a buckle along RR tracks 4" brass belt buckle.
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    Broadhead tuning a little different way

    People spend way too much time messing around with tuning, nice to hear someone who just walked out side and quickly tuned their bow for once!
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    Whitetail arrow weight for new set-up

    Correct - your arrow length and draw weight will put you right on the line. Decrease arrow length, draw weight, or use a 260 spine before you add more weight to the front. Your current specs are totally fine for deer hunting!
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    Whitetail arrow weight for new set-up

    I would stay where you are at - if you increase your FOC much you will be flirting with being underspined at ~29" and 70lbs. If you could shorten your arrow an inch you could use a brass insert or heavier broadhead an be OK if you stay under 50 grains.
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    When you are tuning your adjustments make your field points and broad heads impact closer and closer together, until they are impacting the exact same spot. Then you adjust your sight to where your arrows are hitting. You have simply sighted your bow in to where your broadheads impact. So if...