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  1. J

    6mm and .223/5.56 ILLEGAL for big game in Alaska!

    Makes sense, given that a broadhead is at least 5x the diameter of a 223.
  2. J

    How much money after everything is paid for?

    But seriously why? Especially if he doesn’t need it, it seems kinda strange to require it, just to prove you are willing to be a little more miserable.
  3. J

    How much money after everything is paid for?

    God is all powerful and omnipotent, why would he need 10% of my paltry income?
  4. J

    What's the most fun a guy can have with $20,000

    For me it would without question be hunting giant mule deer in Mexico.
  5. J

    Does the 223/6mm for everything change when hunt cost $$$

    Just because someone does something doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
  6. J

    How did the 6.5 Creedmoor lose steam so quickly?

    Might be true, but for most of us the easy availability of the 6.5cm trumps both of those, since in practice the differences are very small.
  7. J

    68gr hpbt hornady in 223 9 twist?

    Nice group! Good question on the longer ranges. I’ve shot steel out to 550 and had a decent hit rate. But I haven’t shot paper at long ranges to be sure it’s not keyholing.
  8. J

    68gr hpbt hornady in 223 9 twist?

    I have an ar with a 9 twist and it shoots the factory AAC 77tmk better than anything.
  9. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    I do understand what you’re saying, apologies if I came off condescending or kind of a jerk. I agree guides aren’t all knowing, but I guess my thought was they do have more experience harvesting bears in real world situations than the average guy on the internet, who could literally say...
  10. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    I’ve killed 2 interior grizzlies myself. Have a lot of respect for a good friend of mine who has killed 12 brown bears and guided to about 150 more - like me, he also thinks 223’s are amazing, are capable of killing grizzly and brown bears, but should not be the choice of anyone with the means...
  11. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    When I was about 12, I killed a whitetail with #6 birdshot. 20 gauge. It was actually a bang flop. I thought I had gotten older and wiser but apparently I didn’t. Since it worked that time, it must still be a good idea.
  12. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    I probably wouldn’t disagree, with the very last being random internet dudes sharing bear cartridge advice when most of them have probably never seen one in the wild.
  13. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    I’m waiting for someone to book a $30k coastal brown bear hunt that they saved up for 10 years for, and then take a .223 on that hunt. That weeds out the keyboard warriors real quick. 100% on board with the 223 for deer and elk. I’ve taken countless deer with a 223 and 69gr matchking.
  14. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    Sorry but to me, objective reality is almost every legitimate brown bear guide in Alaska.
  15. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    Fair question. Probably they are inferring from experience that while heavy for caliber 22’s are good, they likely are not better than the standard fare 270’s etc..that they have learned the hard way are not up to the task.
  16. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    A deer and a brown bear are not the same. When someone says a 223 is great for deer and elk, but maybe not a brown bear, and then you post a picture of a deer, it seems like you haven’t done the thing.
  17. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    What objective large sample size evidence is there that those are good brown bear rounds? I know a person can say anything if it’s on the internet and they don’t t have to follow though. But if you booked a $30k hunt for coastal brown bear and have a good chance of a 10 footer, would you...
  18. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    I’ll take the word of someone who actually made his living hunting big bears over a random person on the internet who may have never even been in the vicinity of a brown bear.
  19. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    No, before the policy they witnessed people using smaller caliber rifles and did not like the results. Hence the policy.
  20. J

    What caused the Rokslide shift to smallest caliber and cartridges?

    I’m a huge fan of the 77tmk for deer and elk. That said, when it comes to brown bears, reducing the experience of seasoned Alaskan guides to “dogma” is a mistake. There’s a reason many of them have minimum calibers. A good friend of mine has owned an outfitting business there since the late...