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  • Hi Ahlgringo-

    I need to jump on a couple back to back conf calls, so figured I'd send a note rather than trying to align a call.
    I'll like to buy your eyepiece: $200 workable?

    BTW-- Why "ahlgringo"? I happen to own a VW turbo diesel w/an AHL model engine, but that's the best I can guess...

    John Lawrence
    cell 410-991-6918
    Kowa Eyepiece- Let's discuss, I'm interested. My cell is 410-991-6918. Call at your earliest convenience. Best, John
    I can offer you $ 1200 for the keron as i would be willing to trade two custom hand made knives which retail for $600 each
    Would you be interested in trading the spot hog for a Leupold RX-750 with TBR rangefinder with case and original lanyard? I also have a Leupold 800i DNA rangefinder without case. I would be willing to trade either straight up for the sight.
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