this is an absoulte crime and when we pull out the big guns and most likely why it's fixed again.
Don't mess with the memes
@Billy Goat @svivian @Dos Perros you should be good again, release the Kraken :ROFLMAO:
(thanks @Ryan Avery )
OK, I'm late on HB 128 (the sabot rule) but sent a letter to all 3 of my reps on HB196 (banning antlerless hunts), and the dangers of taking away the decision making power on rule-setting from our F&G and shifiting to legislatures and their constiutuents who think they're the wildlife experts...
I thought about that but you’d also have to eliminate hash marks or sub tensions, as some people call them. A guy that knows what he’s doing can get out to 700 yards or so with those.
I have not heard that, but I like the way Wyoming publishes their buck to doe ratios cause they always tell you how many of the bucks were yearlings. They may not indicate it right in the ratio, but if there’s an accompanying article it almost always says it. I think this last one with 30+ bucks...
hmmmmm, isn't it calculated from...
10000 deer would include all deer, bucks fawn does, so the math of 2000 bucks is way high. 2000 is 20% but a buck:doe of 20/100 would actually be 20 bucks/120 "deer" (throwing out fawns) = 1667 bucks...then only gets lower once you throw in the fawns.
Good question OP. I don’t have a tight answer and think @willfrye027 is close
I can say, and said it in the episode, that I remember even before Colorado did away with OTC, they seemed to always have post hunt buck ratios above 30.
It’s a deer factory and with nothing more than empirical...
Well "against" is a little strong for what I mean.
Let me clarify.
If a hunter only gets one tag, and that tag is good for either sex (assuming the unit is at or above objective and can sustain doe harvest), some will chose to put their tag on a doe, taking pressure of bucks.
whitetail world...
The guide I hunted with in Canada had the 16X SIG IS.
Optical experience: C+
Spotting bucks from standing position: A
He found one buck from a standing position that I had to use a tripod and a Swaro' STC to find.
IMO, IS is niche, but they do work.
Thanks Bob
We’ll see what happens in the units that Utah passed to keep scopes off rifles or muzzleloader only,
…and if the units Idaho proposed to go to muzzleloader only end up in the regulations.
At least we’ll have some case studies out there on what it does for bug survival