Bait Barrel Design - Thoughts? Advice?


Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 9, 2018
Lewiston, Idaho
Last year was my first year baiting bears in Idaho and I am now addicted! I am looking forward to opening day and have done a little modifying to my barrels.

1. I added a coffee can sized hole in the top, last year I just had the front hole. I did this to allow myself an easier time loading bait as unscrewing the bolt on the ring that holds the lid on took too much time. Due to its location I don't think the bears will be able to take too much food through it, but if they can it'll make for some neat pictures!

2. I added two 2" holes near the top and bottom of my barrel so that I can run cables through those and around my tree. Last year I just ran a cable through holes near the top and I found my barrels were often twisted and moved around the tree, away from my shooting lane. It took too much time to re-adjust the barrel to get it into the position I wanted. Part of the fun was getting these guys on camera and wasting time to position the barrel for the camera isn't something I want to do again.

Let me know your thoughts!

Those clamp on lids can be a real pain when the barrel gets bent up. I gave that up after one year too. We cut a square lid and added hinges to one side and bolts on the other for a latch.
are those little holes for the cable on the tree side of the barrel? If the cable just goes through those and around the tree, the bears will eventually get it ripped loose.
Those clamp on lids can be a real pain when the barrel gets bent up. I gave that up after one year too. We cut a square lid and added hinges to one side and bolts on the other for a latch.
are those little holes for the cable on the tree side of the barrel? If the cable just goes through those and around the tree, the bears will eventually get it ripped loose.

I didn't even think about hinges and making a little door.

Yes the the little holes are to run the cable to and wrap around a tree. Do you think spacing the holes out wider would keep it any tighter?
How do I personal message you? I would love to share some pics of my barrels with you! I think it may help you out a ton!
How do I personal message you? I would to share some pics of my barrels with you! I think it may help you out a ton!
This years bait barrels aren’t built up yet. But I’m doing a rectangular hole right at the bottom. About a foot wide and 5” tall. Inside the barrel I’m adding a cut out circle of plywood that will sit at a angle with a cut out on the low end. So my dog food will trickle out the back and act much like a bird feeder. Hoping this keeps Bears from dumping stuff on the ground. Can’t find any more barrels with snap ring lids at the moment though.
We've always used plastic barrels and haven't had any issues. Didn't even have tops on them. We do check every day though. Weigh lessbear.JPG
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I like white or red barrels. Tried black once and it drove me crazy. Don’t think I would do camo either. Most all my bear activity is at night and lighter colors are easier on my eyes. Gonna try a couple plastic barrels this year as well.
Those barrels are very similar to mine, but we use chain links for the hinges on the lid, little more slop for when things get bent up.
This years bait barrels aren’t built up yet. But I’m doing a rectangular hole right at the bottom. About a foot wide and 5” tall. Inside the barrel I’m adding a cut out circle of plywood that will sit at a angle with a cut out on the low end. So my dog food will trickle out the back and act much like a bird feeder. Hoping this keeps Bears from dumping stuff on the ground. Can’t find any more barrels with snap ring lids at the moment though.

We have a couple barrels with a baffle built in as you describe, and it does help a lot, just make it trickle easy enough that they don't destroy the barrel trying to get it to fall into the bottom.

we always burn our barrels to get them rusty, much harder to see, but also harder for other people to spot.
Another questions as far as design is concerned....

The openings in my barrels are the size of a Folgers coffee can lid. Is this large enough for larger bears to get food out of? I'm afraid this hole is too small and might potentially deter larger bears from jamming their paws inside? I didn't want to cut them too large and have my bait pouring out. Whats the consensus?
Another questions as far as design is concerned....

The openings in my barrels are the size of a Folgers coffee can lid. Is this large enough for larger bears to get food out of? I'm afraid this hole is too small and might potentially deter larger bears from jamming their paws inside? I didn't want to cut them too large and have my bait pouring out. Whats the consensus?

The holes on my barrel are the size of a quarter and they have no problems, so I am sure the bears will have no issue getting food out of yours.

I have to backpack my "barrel" into my bait site so I use beer kegs. I've cut a paw hole with a plasma arc and added a big eye bolt for tethering to a tree. They'll spend hours trying to get sweet syrup oats etc out of that keg. I've got some tremendous pics of grizzlies on the keg but we can't take em in this area.
Inspired by this thread. We made some barrels.




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I have been flipping one side of the barrel and rewelding it back on. That way I can strap it to a tree and it fits a little better. The brown bears have been crushing them lately so I have welded some pipes from one side to the other. Inside on the top and bottom I welded some 1 1/4” 90 degree conduit to run some chain through. It seems to work pretty good.
I don't know how i've been missing all the action on this thread, but damn I have been missing out big time!

Ryan - Those things are beautiful! Can't wait to see them in action!

Tekla - I never have thought about flipping part of the barrel. I could see how that would be very beneficial for keeping them tight to a tree and the barrel positioned in an appropriate shooting lane. I might have to pick your brain for a project in the future...