Zoleo Question


Sep 10, 2013
I posted this in the gear forum and am reposting it here. Thanks

I’m new to satellite communicators and wanted to see if my experience is typical or not. I recently purchased one and took it on a hunt in Kyrgyzstan. When messaging it often times times out without sending the message requiring me to hit the messaging button again to have it resend. At times it took over an hour to get the message sent and I rarely had a strong signal. Then at other times it worked as expected and sent the message somewhat quickly. Is it normal for it to take so long to get a message out. I understand the satellites go over every 10-15 minutes but I wouldn’t think I’d have to resend it every 10-15 minutes when it times out. Appreciate any feedback and if I’m doing something wrong.

I did test it out at home without any problems both on and off wifi to simulate being in the backcountry and didn’t have any issues.
