Zeiss Victory RF -vs- Leica Geovid -vs- Swarovski Rangefinder

Vandal 44

Jun 3, 2012
I will be purchasing one of these binos in the next few days. There is not a dealer around that has all three to do a side by side comparison. Any thoughts or recommendations would be a big help. Thanks Gerry
The Zeiss was a good bit better through my eyes, but the readout was quicker as well.

The Button on the Leica is on the wrong side (unless you're left handed).
VANDAL 44, Cabela's in Post Falls had all three last week. Go check them out!
I spoke with Neil today, they have some awesome deals on the Zeiss that would make it very hard to turn down. Ryan, I went to cables about two weeks ago and they only had the Leica Geovids, I will go to cabelas on Sunday to check them out. I have big hands so I can reach the button on the Leicas. Thanks again.
I spoke with Neil today, they have some awesome deals on the Zeiss that would make it very hard to turn down. Ryan, I went to cables about two weeks ago and they only had the Leica Geovids, I will go to cabelas on Sunday to check them out. I have big hands so I can reach the button on the Leicas. Thanks again.

If you order from Neil tell him Tim from KC says hi and tell him to get his boss to get a banner :) I think they have had 10 or more sales off rokslide in the past few weeks.
I've used both and also prefer the Zeiss over the Leica hands down, no question. Especially in the ergonomics department.
I went with the Zeiss 10X45 Victory RF from Camer land, I believe I made the right choice. The read out is very fast, they are comfortable in the hand. I like the fact that you only tap the range button once and you have the yardage. The glass is very good I campared them to my swarovski 8.5 X 42 EL last night at 7:30 and it was very difficult for my to tell which one was better. I will write a better review this weekend.
I tried the Lieca and the rangefinder was horrible. It would not work worth a $hit. I must have got a lemon as everyone else seems to like them. I have the Swaro EL Range now. I think optically better than Leica and rangefinder works great.
I compaired the Swarovski amd Zeiss at csbelas the other day. It was hard to tell the difference in the store. The swaros seemed a bit brighter and overal weight was a lot less. The range finder on the Zeiss was much quicker and I like the fact it is on the right. Camera land has a smoking deal on the 10x45s right now. I think I will be going with Zeiss. I would like to get the 10x56s but not sure it is worth the extra 1/2lb in weight and overall size being larger. What do you guys think.
Taser, I bought the Zeiss from Camera Land because of the somking deals. I think that 1/2 pound hanging around your kneck would get old real quick. I am glad I bought these, I will be selling my Swarovsky 8.5 X 42
I just scraped all my money and trades together and got the Swaro 10X42 RF from Alex at EuroOptics. He's always been great to deal/trade with. I like he calculation for distance, considering angles. So far I like'em. Ive had Geovids in the past, and no complaints there, either.
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The Swaro Rangefinder Binno's are simply number one - period! The glass & rangefinding capabilities are awesome. That said I've been perfectly happy with a set of Leica Geovids even over my mates Zeis Bino's. Yourve made a great choice!
Vandal 44, how about that review? Zeiss is now offering a $300 rebate and I'm real close to pulling the trigger. Need them for my September elk hunt so I best act fast.
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