Youth Compound Bow


Oct 1, 2024
Hi guys,
8.5 and 6.5 year olds. They have expressed interest in compound bows a lot recently. I had gotten my oldest a Baer youth bow a couple years back he enjoyed but it had been drawn and released by the youngest a few too many times and it’s not in service anymore.
Looking for a solid adjustable pull for them. I don’t want to break the bank but also would be in the buy once cry once area if the price is right.
Any suggestions? PSE youth?
I don’t have any bow experience myself.
Hoyt kobalt seems to be the best of the current kids bows. My boys are the same age, I had planned to get them a pair for Christmas, but opted for a crossbow instead. Bonus is that they can hunt with the crossbow now.
Any crossbow recommendations?
It'll all come down to how much you want to spend. There's many very serviceable crossbows in the $500 range. I've had many for my kids, ranging from cheap to fancy.

If you want something that's just stupid simple and reliable, I'd go with an Excalibur. No cams or crazy strings, just one string that you can change yourself. I recently got an Excalibur Mag 340 for our secondary crossbow. It's not too big, not too heavy, and shoots lasers.

If you want fancy I'd go Mission. I have a Sub-1 and it's fantastic. But it's also 2.5x the price of that Excalibur.

Another good option would be the Wicked Ridge line from Ten Point. It's their value line but they're just as good as the higher dollar ones. Something in the middle if that product line would be plenty.

I'd skip any of the high velocity reverse limb bows from any manufacturer. Those bows have so much energy that they tend to break more often, require string changes, etc. They're very violent machines and when they break they really break.
I picked the excalibur mag 340 for simplicity, durability, and the ability to shoot it a bunch with minimal maintenance, but i already dislike the bulk in the woods. might pick up a killer instinct swat x1 for strictly hunting.
Hoyt kobalt seems to be the best of the current kids bows. My boys are the same age, I had planned to get them a pair for Christmas, but opted for a crossbow instead. Bonus is that they can hunt with the crossbow now.


Hoyt Kobalt was the nicest I could find. I bought one for my kids about a month ago.
We bought Mission Radik's for our kids. Overall we've been happy with them and my 13 year old is bowhunting this year with it. I will need to upgrade though as the ATA is now too short for him and his 5'9" height.
Our 9yo has a Diamond Atomic and the 6yo has a PSE Mini Burner. I swapped the components with extra stuff I had. Both have ripcord drop always rests and Montana Black Gold single pin sights. There was a dramatic increase in accuracy on the Diamond after swapping to quality components. My 6yo isn’t consistent enough to tell if it made any difference. They both whip the arrows out very nice.

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