To be clear, all the shooting I did to inform the video was with a 22, not a big deal. Most of the rest of what I'm talking about is in interpreting the data. As far as what I've "wasted" on the 284, I think the main point of contention is the 25rds or so for the powder sweep? We agree that testing different components is worthwhile. Your method consumes 20rds to do this, if I skip the powder sweep and just find pressure and back off a grain (10rds) then proceed to validation (as much as you want, the more the better), I think my method essentially collapses to yours. Remember, the first sweep of testing I described was all different component combos.
Regarding 1.2MOA, lets be clear about what metric that relates to again - 20 shots. I think that's actually pretty good, and I would love to see other people post their 20 shot groups so I could know where I stand. Also, it's 1.5MOA informed by 51 shots. Do you have a 51 shot group for any of your guns? You know what your 20-30 shot group ES is (roughly 2 sigma level), but without insight on the distribution of shots inside that group, how do you know what your true worst case over the life of the rifle will be?