You might rethink booking with Mark Romo out of Dillingham


Aug 9, 2020
If anyone is considering a self-guided DIY Alaskan moose hunt out of Dillingham with Mark Romo, you might want to rethink your options before sending him a deposit. Mark has lost his big game guide license, he has lost his big game transport license, and most importantly, he lost his privilege to operator as an air taxi inside any of Alaska's parks (including his home Wood Tik-Chick area and Togiak areas).

MARK A. ROMO Profession: GUIDE-OUTFITTER Lic. No.: GUIR1292Copies of disciplinary actions on professional licenses are available online for certain programs at Uploading this information to our web site may take up to 60 days from the date of the license action.Page 2 of 15STATE OF ALASKADEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTDIVISION OF CORPORATIONS, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSINGDISCIPLINARY ACTION REPORTDisciplinary actions adopted from 01/01/2023 through 03/31/2023Board Action: LICENSE SURRENDER Case No.:2020-001017 Action Date: 03/29/2023Reason for Action: On March 29, 2023, the Big Game Commercial Services Board adopted a Surrender of License with conditions affecting the license of Mark Romo, lic. no. GUIR1292, Dillingham, AK. (Violation of licensing regulations / Surrender of License)
Saddened and surprised to hear this. I’ve stayed there and flown with Mark a few times. He and his family seemed like great people to me. Not knowing details, I think I’ll reserve judgement and continue to wish them well.
Unfortunate situation, I’ve flown with him 3 times for different types of trips and he was always great. Reliable, easy to deal with and his prices were better than other local pilots.

I’m not speaking to the legal situation as I have no knowledge of that but I’ve had nothing g but good experiences with him personally.

I puked in his plane once and he didn’t even give me shit.
I just talked to Mark. He’s still operating like normal. This is a BS post created by a disgruntled individual.
Mark wants you to believe he is "still operating like normal," because he wants your money. Read what I attached, or what Htm84 attached. Better yet, pick up the phone and call the proper channels in Dillingham or with the state, which is where I got this information, then come back and say this is a BS post.
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Mark wants you to believe he is "still operating like normal," because he wants your money. Read what I attached, or what Htm84 attached. Better yet, pick up the phone and call the proper channels in Dillingham or with the state, which is where I got this information, then come back and say this is a BS post.
I owe you an apology sir. I didn’t do my due diligence and look into the links you posted and called mark directly. @Htm84 thank you for posting that screen shot.
I owe you an apology sir. I didn’t do my due diligence and look into the links you posted and called mark directly. @Htm84 thank you for posting that screen shot.

No worries. From what I understand, Mark is still a registered air taxi through the FAA, but if he can no longer operate inside the state park areas, he will likely have to outsource his hunters to other pilots or other outfitters who can legally operate in those areas. I heard from another outfitter that Mark had to do so last season after this has hit the fan.
I can confirm this. He had to hire a pilot from Iliamna last year because he could no longer fly into the park to drop his hunters. I know he has a less-than-favorable relationship with most of that areas outfitters, and none were willing to help take his clients that I am aware of.
Just for the record I booked a fly out DIY float trip with Mark Romo for this past summer. Sent him a $1500 deposit. The week before our trip a large storm came in to the Bristol Bay region and rained hard for many days flooding the rivers and rendering them unfloatable. All the gravel bars were under water and there was literally no place to camp. Mark told us he couldn't fly us in for several days after our planned departure due to the weather. We had to cancel. He refused to give us a refund. Found out that in addition to losing his Transporters license and being banned from State Parks, he got in trouble with the FAA for not reporting an accident that damaged his plane while still continuing to fly with clients. I would not book with this guy.
There isn't one outfitter out of ten who doesn't immediately spend deposit money. Virtually no one banks that money till right before the hunt happens. They treat it as an advanced loan.

Based on available data, this guy is to be avoided. Thanks for getting out the word. May save others time and money.
No pilot can guarantee he’ll fly you in on the exact dates you choose. Weather may not allow that. We got delayed a day and a half this year going in. It happens. Remember also that the pilot probably turned down other business to book your flight.

Where Mark is concerned, I’m certainly biased. I found him to be a great guy and would use him again in a minute. He, or any of his family, would be welcome in my home anytime. I’d give them the keys if I were away.

I do not know the specifics of Mark’s legal issues. I know that he flys in a highly regulated area. I also know that government has unlimited resources to crush a person or business if it chooses to do so. A guilty plea or a license surrender can sometimes be a person’s only recourse to avoid ruination. I’ve learned not to accept such situations at face value.
When this thread first came up I chose to ignore it for obvious reasons but since it has popped up again I felt like it would be wrong to not chime in.

I have flown with Mark and my thoughts echo what WMR said above. My experience with him has been nothing short of great. From what I witnessed, he and his family are truly great people & I really enjoy my time spent with them.

I don't know all the fine details & I don't feel like I need to, but I do know that Mark was able to take the issue higher up the chain and got his permit reinstated this past summer. He is operating as usual.

There's always 2 sides to every story..