You ain't seen nothing yet....Washington moves California out of the way.

I hope they actually use it on someone with deep enough pockets to fight it. The high court will crush the writers.

We need a constitutional amendment making it clear that violating or attempting to violate the constitution will be a criminal offense with stiff, cruel and slow to become usual punishment.
Proving intent is hard, but sure would
like to see a law allowing us to hold
legislators criminally accountable for willfully violating the constitution. Then at least every one of their fishing expeditions like this could be met with a similar fishing expedition aimed directly at them.
Many years ago Washington voters voted to have $35 auto license fees. Through the course of several years there were extra "FEES" added to the $35 license fee until we were paying over $100 for auto licenses. Washington Voters were once again ask to vote for a return to the $35 auto license fee. It passed with flying colors. Govenor Inslee told the Washington state voters to pound sand that Washington state would not lower Auto license fees, the liberal Washington courts agreed with Inslee and our auto license fees are still climbing. Washington State has reached a place in time where whatever the Dems want, they get. The courts clear up to the Washington state supreme court will back their decisions.
You can thank King, Pierce, Snohomish, Skagit, Whatcom, Clark, and a few other blue counties for wanting to make our state "Safe". We have some legislators that are truly wack jobs. I have lost all hope for the state of Washington. Growing up in the 60's and 70's this state was awesome. It has become nothing but a S___H___ and an embarrassment. Our last Govenor and our current governor need to shipped off to some other country, I am thinking some middle eastern country would be nice.
With a few county name changes, your post applies to California perfectly. I saw the writing on the wall there and left in '94. Probably applies to Oregon perfectly as well.
I hope they actually use it on someone with deep enough pockets to fight it. The high court will crush the writers.

We need a constitutional amendment making it clear that violating or attempting to violate the constitution will be a criminal offense with stiff, cruel and slow to become usual punishment.
the govenors tossed out the first amemdment when covid hit. I don't think the constitution means as much as we want it to.
I would sure love to see a public stoning for the anti American sons of bitches who willfully try to violate the constitution.
I'd supply the stones.
And that would be a lot of stones because, in spite of the propaganda we're fed constantly, that would be 99.9% of every congressman, senator and supreme court justice; including the new President.

"Shall not be infringed". Now that's about as clear and concise as any language can state it. Point to one place in America where that is truly the case.

ATF: a government agency taxing and restricting two vices and one constitutionally recognized God-given right.
Someone explain that to me.
Most of Eastern Oregon has voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho.
Hell, the southern states voted to secede from the "voluntary union"
We all know how well that went.
I think it was the inspiration for the song "Hotel California"
By the Eagles, no less. Coincidence? ;)
Grew up in SW WA and have amazing memories of hunting & fishing. Left in 84. I feel bad for you folks living with liberal bullsh!t politicians in an otherwise beautiful state!!
This will be completely unenforceable. The state has no purview into federal transactions (form 4473). Unless it's recent pistol purchases. And what if you moved here with guns? Is the state going to subpoena every FFL in the country for their records? This is a joke. And good luck WA in getting the records from the new administration's ATF.
the govenors tossed out the first amemdment when covid hit. I don't think the constitution means as much as we want it to.
Oh how I know. I was scheduled to be in his office getting my picture taken for an all state employee award 3 days before the firing date of unvaccinated employees..... which included me.

I told them they can kiss my ass.
Most of Eastern Oregon has voted to secede from Oregon and join Idaho.
I’m in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, “State of Jefferson” county. Definitely similar mindset here as Eastern OR and Eastern WA. Not sure if Idaho residents would be eager to take those folks though based sentiment towards non-residents during hunting season….lol
Oh how I know. I was scheduled to be in his office getting my picture taken for an all state employee award 3 days before the firing date of unvaccinated employees..... which included me.

I told them they can kiss my ass.

Inslee will rot in hell if there is such a place. We left in late summer of 2020. Wife was a covid nurse and unvaxxed, but was more worried about the nonsenses they were doing to kids. I feel bad for all the idiots that fell in line and don’t realize they were hoodwinked.