Yo Utah! Need to pick a unit for archery elk

Word is now you cannot have more than a 80% letoff or it's a fine. Just pure BS IMHO and my Elite has an 85% letoff that I love. I can hold at full draw all day. Just a stupid regulation that will lead to more iffy and rushed shots by guys struggling to hold at full draw for longer periods. Us older guys need that edge. My Hoyt was a problem after 75 seconds...I'd start getting shaky. Not with my Elite. Groups tightened right up. CO is getting a little too much like CA with these counterintuitive BS regs.

I'm pretty sure the 80% thing has been in the regs forever. Can the let off not be changed at all with mods on those Elites?
I hunted the North Slope, South Slope, and Ogden last year during rifle season. I agree with Speeddmn, count Ogden out. Too much private land and hardly any sign of elk. I saw some big mulies while I was there and kick myself every time I think about not spending the extra money for tags.

The North Slope was fun and I found sign everywhere around 10K ft elevation. I jumped a nice bull while there but couldn't get a shot. This was despite the fact that the place was crawling with hunters and there are roads and trails all over the place. You'll do a lot of walking to find fresh sign, but once you find it, you are all set. You can camp by Little Lyman lake and fish for trout while not hunting. The terrain is mountainous but not difficult. Packing out meat shouldn't be too difficult.

The opposite is true of the South Slope. It is rocky, rugged, and thick country. I went from one extreme to the next. I didn't have any luck there, but it is a big unit with lots of public land. It was definitely an area I would consider bivy or spike camping. Packing out meat there will be a big chore. This is the area I want to hunt again, but next time I'm going deeper and in better physical shape.

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The ultimate problem with the Utah Archery hunt is that it is so damn early. Most people that I know that hunt elk in Utah just sit water holes. Idaho would allow you to hunt during the rut. It also would be only another 5 hours of drive time from most Northern Utah units.