Yeti Gallon Jug


Mar 31, 2017
Any discounts on a Yeti gallon jug?

I already had the RTIC one and returned it because the lid was a piece of trash. Other than that it was fine.
Might try the ozark trail one, I have no experience with it. Otherwise yeti doesn’t seem to run a ton of sales.
These are $130?

How are they better than the old fashioned $20 water jug?
Well for one, the lid probably works, unlike the cheaper Rtic one I tried.

$20 plastic water jug? .... Tastes like a plastic trash can.
This isn't as big, but you're telling me water tastes $120 better out of a yeti than this?

I've tried quite a few different water bottles and I still haven't found anything better than a Yeti when it comes to cold temperature retention, durability, and no-off flavors.

Just like anything else, price/quality isn't linear. To be frank, I wouldn't buy a Yeti cooler for that reason.

However, even though the Yeti water bottle isn't going to be 6 times "better" than the plastic jug, if you need your water to stay nice and cold after a long day (or two) in a car parked in the sun the Yeti will do it without question and will put up with abuse.
Just curious what went wrong or what’s the problem with the rtic junk lids. I have a half gallon rtic and also a gallon rtic that I take to work every day for several years and have never had a problem with the lid.
Just curious what went wrong or what’s the problem with the rtic junk lids. I have a half gallon rtic and also a gallon rtic that I take to work every day for several years and have never had a problem with the lid.
Mine leaks no matter how tight I get it. If it tips over, it leaks. And there is no vent on the lid. Contacted rtic and they said only a 30 day guarantee on their products.

Just curious what went wrong or what’s the problem with the rtic junk lids. I have a half gallon rtic and also a gallon rtic that I take to work every day for several years and have never had a problem with the lid.
I had to fuss with getting the threads aligned on it 30 seconds every time I used it - endlessly spinning and you can't adjust the angle to get it to thread properly. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Just a cheap piece of junk plastic that is bound to break and I as a designer, I can't stand things that don't function as intended.
this one is only half a gallon but its been bullet proof. Mine has basically no paint left on it & is all dented up from bouncing around in the tractor making hay and no leaks & keeps water cold for over 24hrs.

TAL Stainless Steel Ranger Water Bottle 64 fl oz, Black​

Another vote for the Ozark 1 gallon.

I have a lot of yeti products and love them, but this ozark jug works great and I use it daily.

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I’ve had my 1 gallon Yeti with me on the farm for over 3 years now, it’s one of their items that’s really worth it over the competition