Wyoming Region H lower elevation?


Feb 26, 2012
Western Washington
So five us are heading back to Wyoming the last week of September. The area we hunted previously and plan to hunt again requires a lot of hiking up hill in some difficult terrain. Unfortunately, my dad just messed up his knee. This was gonna be a difficult hunt for him on a perfect knee, but now it may be impossible. He had his MRI Tuesday so we should know more soon.
Anyway, I'm just wondering if there are any units in Region H that might be less demanding physically even if deer numbers and quality are not as good? I've looked at unit 138 on google earth and it looks like a lot of roads and much lower elevation. Thanks for any advice you can give.
I live in Region H. I personally wouldn't look at 138. If you have a 4 wheeler, UTV, sidexside, etc., I'd look at the first couple areas west of Hwy 189. Those areas have the most access with the above vehicles and better deer densities. With that said, your going to have to compete with all the other people in there too, and its a mess. If your dad has a medical condition that prevents him from using his tag, he might want to contact the WY G&F and see what his options are with them. Good Luck with your hunt.