Wyoming Region G

I am not in favor of PP... I would be in favor of residents chose Ur Gen area... And that's the area U hunt. And choose Ur weapon.. Archery or rifle... Not so sure about muzzleloader... Would not want to be archery elk hunting.. And have people blasting muzzleloaders at deer...
I am not in favor of PP... I would be in favor of residents chose Ur Gen area... And that's the area U hunt. And choose Ur weapon.. Archery or rifle... Not so sure about muzzleloader... Would not want to be archery elk hunting.. And have people blasting muzzleloaders at deer...

Or what about making the general region tags archery only. And turning rifle tags into a draw system, allowing residents to every year have a tag but for only archery. And then all rifle tags become a draw system. Similar to Utah but then allowing resident to have a archery tag yet being able to draw a rifle tag as well. Instead of 1 tag a resident could potentially have 2 deer tags on some years. Obviously that would cause point creep over the years for the demand in rifle tags but it would not take away from residents being able to hunt every year. Leave the non residents a PP draw system for the region tags but with seasonal limitations as they would have to choose apply for archery or rifle not both and only allowed 1 tag for deer. Cutting 200 non resident tags might not do much but cutting gun hunters to 200 tags would do a lot.
I live in the G area and I don't want to see it go to PP or a lottery draw because it ruins what hunting is in my opinion. Residents and NR will end up waiting 2-4 years for a deer tag and then shoot a fork horn or a 20" 4 point and think he just hung the moon which eliminates the whole reason for PP, I don't get the waiting for years to draw a tag and then smack a fork horn on the last day because it's there. More and more people are coming to this area and hunting and something will eventually have to be done, I don't want it to but it will the area it is to good for it not to. Their winter range is shrinking, more cars on the road smaking deer left and right, elk moving into their winter range competing with that, the vicious circle of life. Shortening the seasons would help, maybe also people getting in their head that they don't have to shoot the same 20-22" deer every year to show there buddies. Some guys just like to shoot a deer and they feel they have to to feel good but I kinda feel like that's what elk are for, the freezer fillers but most people in their razor or pickup don't want to mess with an elk. I just get bitter reading this hearing how residents just want to kill deer and don't give a damn about anything other than that. 70% of the true locals I work and live with day in day out who hunt are legitimate hunters are picky and care about their deer herd. It's the other 30% who move here from somewhere else and want to live the Wyoming dream in the mountains that ruin it.
I live in the G area and I don't want to see it go to PP or a lottery draw because it ruins what hunting is in my opinion. Residents and NR will end up waiting 2-4 years for a deer tag and then shoot a fork horn or a 20" 4 point and think he just hung the moon which eliminates the whole reason for PP, I don't get the waiting for years to draw a tag and then smack a fork horn on the last day because it's there. More and more people are coming to this area and hunting and something will eventually have to be done, I don't want it to but it will the area it is to good for it not to. Their winter range is shrinking, more cars on the road smaking deer left and right, elk moving into their winter range competing with that, the vicious circle of life. Shortening the seasons would help, maybe also people getting in their head that they don't have to shoot the same 20-22" deer every year to show there buddies. Some guys just like to shoot a deer and they feel they have to to feel good but I kinda feel like that's what elk are for, the freezer fillers but most people in their razor or pickup don't want to mess with an elk. I just get bitter reading this hearing how residents just want to kill deer and don't give a damn about anything other than that. 70% of the true locals I work and live with day in day out who hunt are legitimate hunters are picky and care about their deer herd. It's the other 30% who move here from somewhere else and want to live the Wyoming dream in the mountains that ruin it.

Maybe those 30% of residents are more worried about putting meat in their freezers than being able to "brag" to their buddies. Seriously, hunters are hilarious. Most will argue till there blue in the face about how its all for the meat and then turn around and bitch that their aren't enough big deer or elk on the mountain. Don't get me wrong, I like big deer as much as anyone else but some are more worried about filling the freezer. Animals in the United States were given to the People so they could feed themselves, they are not a cash crop like most seem to think they should be.
Biologists will tell you that a lot of the winter kill comes in March and April after the snow has melted. Deer's bodies are still using their own stores of energy to survive that would normally take them into summer. If they are already depleted from a rough winter then they are doomed and don't know it. Also, a lot of them will gorge themselves on whatever is available as soon as the snow melts, and a lot of this forage is devoid of nutrients. The deer might get full, but there's no energy there, and they die from burning energy trying to digest food that has no nutritional value. We might think that since things are opened up that they are in the clear, but they are far from it.
Every one has different goals. A lot of people just want to shot a deer.. U will never convince them other wise... Fish and Game makes a few unit 3 point units... And why don't they let it go a few years.. Then make it a 4 point unit... I see they did make two units 4 point only. I have been in Wyoming for two years. And I haven't shot a deer yet... If I cant shot a mule deer.. Bigger than a white tail that I shot in Pa.. Why bother... When Pa put the point restriction on... The resident screamed bloody marry.. If the winter kill is that bad... With in the next 5 years... Fish and Game will do sum thing.. In the units in G.... JMO
Every one has different goals. A lot of people just want to shot a deer.. U will never convince them other wise... Fish and Game makes a few unit 3 point units... And why don't they let it go a few years.. Then make it a 4 point unit... I see they did make two units 4 point only. I have been in Wyoming for two years. And I haven't shot a deer yet... If I cant shot a mule deer.. Bigger than a white tail that I shot in Pa.. Why bother... When Pa put the point restriction on... The resident screamed bloody marry.. If the winter kill is that bad... With in the next 5 years... Fish and Game will do sum thing.. In the units in G.... JMO

Haha this is exactly me as well, if I can't shoot a mule deer bigger than the whitetails I have on the wall why bother?

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Something I think that would be interesting to consider is instead of cutting tags, make tags for different parts of the season. Have an archery only tag, make a muzzleloader season, and have 3 or 4 weeks of rifle hunts with high country options. Have the archery hunt 2 to 4 weeks, then give the muzzleloader guys a week, and each rifle section a week. Then have people choose their weapon and week, distribute the amount of tags among the different season with more tags being allocated for early October when deer are traditionally harder to successfully harvest, and fewer tags for the early and late hunts. Maybe even offer a late season rut hunt for archery equipment, or look into a very limited quota rifle rut hunt. This would help dissipate some of the pressure, still have opportunity, and maybe help the funding issues the game and fish claims to have.

You pretty much just described the Colorado system. Archery, Muzzleloader, 4 Rifle hunts, plus a few other hunts depending on the area.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with holding out for a big deer, I do it too but to have the system changed to better benefit you and take away from those that are just trying to fill a freezer is asinine and selfish. There will always be big deer, you just have to go find them.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with holding out for a big deer, I do it too but to have the system changed to better benefit you and take away from those that are just trying to fill a freezer is asinine and selfish. There will always be big deer, you just have to go find them.

But in the world of narcissistic instagram/facebook if you don't shoot a big deer, how would you get followers and feel important??????? It must be the fault of people that don't hold out for 190"+ mule deer.

I don't think anyone wants six different seasons, or to wait 10yrs before they can hunt. I'll take opportunity management over trophy management. Hell, I think I might go hunt 144 now just to do it....might even shoot a 150"...gasp!!!!
The problem is now they aren't managing for trophy or opportunity. They aren't managing it at all. Allowing any resident to hunt that region after a winter like this and then cutting 200 NR tags plus taking away 4 days out of a long season wont do much. Until they limit the number of people in these areas they will continue to see the deer numbers decline. Manning for opportunity when there aren't many deer left will look pretty stupid in a few years!