Wyoming Region C Trespass Fee.


Mar 22, 2016
Planning to go to region C this fall to hunt mule deer and I’m curious what I could expect to pay for a trespass fee? Hoping for a scouting trip over the summer to maybe knock on doors but if that doesn’t happen could be doing it during the season.

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I live in Y, right next to C, its difficult to find trespass fee access out here. The vast majority of private land is leased up by outfitters and the stuff that isnt is generally already being hunted by family/friends. Its a fairly difficult area to gain access for anything besides shooting whitetail does (almost anyone will let you shoot them). With that said, if you are willing to put miles on and check a lot of small patches you can definitely find decent quality deer without any private access.
A lot of people will say that there isn't much public in C, there is. You just have to do your do dilligence scouring maps to find BLM that has access. A good place to check is the county road maps. Most counties have their road maps online and you an compare them to your On X or whatever mapping application you are using to E scout. I hunted out there in 2018. We saw alot of people cruising roads looking for deer and antelope but not many people on foot. If you are willing to hike a bit from the roads you can find plenty of public without a lot of pressure. I would look for a few areas to hunt, start in 1 and if there is too much pressure move to the next. In 2006 The night before the opener while we were walking back to our truck on a piece of BLM I had the biggest mule deer I have ever seen walk out of a coulee and stand in front of us on the road at 30 yards.
Look over the county road map and then email the super. of road and bridge to ask about specific roads. Some roads on the map may be maintained by the county but are not open to the public.
They have maps online for the county roads and contact info for the Super.
I combed ONX for a week looking at ranches in Zone A and after more emails and phone calls than I can count, I found a ranch I can hunt DIY for a trespass fee. Planned on hunting only public land and still might but excited to have some private ground to myself. Feel free to message me.
Question anyone hunt the Reclusa ranch in region C, if so would you share your experience and the particulars in arranging the hunt, I will be hunting region C this Oct private ranch and have always been treated well and had decent hunting, thought a change of area would be nice, Spoke too a lady there today but she said her son handles that part of the ranch and was not available, I also sent them a letter of inquiry looking too hunt if it can be arranged probaly 2024, that way I have some time too build a few points for antelope would be my first choice like hunting the goats. and perhaps a mule deer. If you would a P.M. will be fine. Thanks
I combed ONX for a week looking at ranches in Zone A and after more emails and phone calls than I can count, I found a ranch I can hunt DIY for a trespass fee. Planned on hunting only public land and still might but excited to have some private ground to myself. Feel free to message me.
Wondered if maybe you could message me?
As I cannot figure out how to do a private message and really would not perfer to post on this subject anymore than what has been posted, you could P.M. me, I sent Reculsa a letter over a year ago with a self adressed stamped envelope asking for the particulars on there tresspass fee hunting and never recieved a reply. That area is difficult to gain acess to.
As I cannot figure out how to do a private message and really would not perfer to post on this subject anymore than what has been posted, you could P.M. me, I sent Reculsa a letter over a year ago with a self adressed stamped envelope asking for the particulars on there tresspass fee hunting and never recieved a reply. That area is difficult to gain acess to.
Ok I can't figure out how to PM either. I'll be good. Thank you
Following..any info anyone may have on trespass fee deer hunting in zone C would be greatly appreciated. Our group was lucky to draw C tags this year.