People talking about low numbers, not seeing hardly any antelope, and some folks want to go shoot does and reduce next year’s fawn recruitment.I support cuts when backed by "science", but I do not understand the concept of "self-preserve". If WYFG issues 100 doe tags for a given area, aren't they the experts saying that this area with a "success" rate of 50% can stand to lose 50 doe?
Demand vastly exceeds the supply for most tags, so if you don't buy the tag, someone else probably will. WY F&G establishes quotas based on data including harvest surveys, field observations, etc. Buying a tag and not using it just lowers the "success" rate used in computing tag allocations - lower rate means they increase tag allocations assuming the same harvest objective.
If there is a problem with tag allocations from WY F&G then data/facts should be available to prove them wrong. I prefer they establish those numbers rather than the WY legislature, outfitters or a disorganized group of hunters.
The numbers aren’t set purely by science, politics and keeping hunters happy falls in there.
Someone posted the tag numbers up above, down 16,000 in the past 3 years….
Be nice if folks could practice self-restraint and just let em go for a year or two. See if they can make a faster come-back.
Like you said plenty of guys lined up to hunt doe antelope don’t care and just gonna shoot what they can. They don’t care about tomorrow.